


为了能帮助广大学生朋友们提高数学成绩和数学思维能力,威廉希尔app 初中频道特地为大家整理了中考英语模拟考试题,希望能够切实的帮到大家,同时祝大家学业进步!

一、单项 填空  在A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)

1. — My son always goes to school without having ______ breakfast.

— It is ______ unhealthy habit. You must ask him to change it.

A. /; an    B. /; a       C. the; an           D. the; a

2. Mr Right had to sell the house even though it was _______ his own wishes.

A. on       B. for       C. above    D. against

3. He plans to start working after graduation ________ he can help his parents support his family.

A. though    B. as soon as    C. so that    D. unless

4. The old woman _______ that her dog had been dead for ten minutes.

A. told    B. is told       C. was told       D. tells

5. — The man in a black suit _______ be our youth worker.

— I’m sure it _______ be him. I saw him in the laboratory building some minutes ago.

A. must; won’t   B. must; can’t   C. can; mustn’t       D. can; could

6. — Did Susan do best in the final exam?

— No, but of all the students she did ______.

A. more careful    B. the most careful     C. more carefully     D. most carefully

7. — How was your job interview last week?

— Oh, I couldn’t feel ________. I could hardly answer most of the questions they asked.

A. worse    B. easier    C. happier   D. better

8. — My plan is _______ videos at home. What are you going to do, Jenny?

— Well, I prefer _______ movies at the cinema to watching videos at home.

A. to watch; to see B. watching; see     C. to watch; seeing  D. watching; seeing

9. _______ of the land in this district _______ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two-fifth; is     B. Two-fifths; is       C. Two-fifth; are      D. Two-fifths; are

10. Mary, along with her parents _______ Hainan for a week and they will come back soon.

A. have been to     B. has been in         C. have been in     D. has been to

11. — The light in his office is still on. Do you know _______?

— To prepare for tomorrow’s meeting.

A. if he works hard                     B. when he will stop working

C. why is he so busy                     D. why he stays up so late

12. — _______ milk teeth does your baby have?

— She still has none.

A. How much     B. Whose          C. How many       D. What


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