



一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1.—Look, there is   ▲   computer on   ▲   desk by the window. It’s for you, Sandy.

—Really? That’s great! Thank you, Dad!

A. a; a            B. the; the          C. a; the          D. the; a

2. —I’ve had a wonderful evening with you.

—  ▲  . But I’m afraid it’s late.

A. I’m glad to hear that              B. Don’t mention it

C. No, thanks                      D. It’s OK

3. —Is John coming by train?

—He should, but he   ▲   not. He likes driving his car.

A. can             B. may            C. must         D. need

4. —The young man is good at a lot of things but you can’t say he is   ▲  .

—I agree with you. In fact, no one is.

A. amazing         B. special          C. complete     D. perfect

5. The video often reminds me   ▲   the days when I worked on the farm   ▲   my classmates.

A. for; with        B. of; with         C. of; for       D. for; with

6. I think we should get this book shelf,   ▲   it will take up more space.

A. but                 B. although             C. and              D. so

7. Guo Mingyi asks   ▲   for return when he helps others.

A. everything      B. nothing         C. anything      D. something

8. We all know that   ▲   plastic bags we use,   ▲   it will be to the environment.

A. the less; the better                 B. the less; the worse

C. the fewer; the better                D. the fewer; the best

9. Mary said sorry to her teacher because of  ▲  the homework at home, but the truth was that she simply  ▲  it.

A. forgetting; forgot doing                     B. forgot; forgot to do

C. leaving; forgot to do                        D. left; forgot doing

10. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)   ▲   of courage and power.

A. example            B. sign                C. mark              D. symbol

11. —I’m sorry. I’m late for the music presentation.

—Why are you so late? The presentation   ▲   for 10 minutes.

A. has begun          B. has stopped          C. has been over        D. has finished

12. —Tom, you’ve left the TV on.

—Oh, I’m sorry. I   ▲   and turn it off at once.

A. will go             B. went                C. have gone           D. was going

13. —It says that it will rain hard next Sunday.

—  ▲  . We’re planning to go boating that day.

A. I don’t think so     B. I hope so             C. I’m afraid not        D. I hope not

14. —Did you ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday?

—Yeah.  ▲   we had!

A. What fun          B.What a fun            C. How fun            D. How funny

15. —Did your father tell you   ▲  ?

—No. Maybe he told my mother.

A. why did he go to Beijing                   B. how he goes to Shanghai

C. when he would travel to London D.where he has spent his holiday


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