( )
( )6. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she doesn’t. C. No, I’m not.
( )7.A. That’s OK. B. Thank you. C. Yes, please.
( )8.A. It’s interesting. B. Yes, I have. C . Yes, I want to do so
( )9.A. Every day. B. I like English very much. C. By reading English paper.
( )10.A.It’s my pleasure. B. Sure. C. That’s all right.
( )11.What does Jerry do?
A. He is a cook. B. He is a translator. C. He is a interpreter.
( )12.What does the man think of his trip?
A. It’s a tiring trip. B. It’s a pleasant trip. C. It’s a unforgettable trip.
( )13.How is the woman’s English ?
A. Her listening is not good. B. She co uldn’t speak English at all.
B. C. She is good at writing in English.
( )14. What will the girl do?
A. Help the boy find some good methods for study.
B.Help the boy find his English book .
C. Help the boy make some new friends.
( )15.What is the girl worried about?
A. Speaking English with a foreigner. B. Speaking English in front of the class.
C. Speaking English in a program .
听第一段对话,回答16---17 小题
( )16.How old is the girl now ?
A. Nine. B. Ten. C. Fourteen.
( )17. What is the girl weak in ?
A. Reading . B. Writing. C. Speaking.
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