



75. The Greens have been in China for five years

five years       the Greens came to China .

76. Could you tell me ? Are there any problems with my plans .(合并为一句)

Could you tell me               are any problems with my plans .

77. There is nothing interesting in today’s newspaper .

There                interesting in today’s newspaper .

78. 她年龄不够大,不能去上学。

She isn’t                  to go to school .

79. 因为天气好,他们下周要去野餐。

They will have a picnic_____ _______fine weather.


Why do leaves change co lors in autumn?

We all enjoy the   80  of autumn leaves .Did you ever wonder how and   81  fallen leaves change color ?Where do the yellows and oranges   82   from ?

During winter ,there is not     83  light or water for photosynthesis(光合作用).The trees will rest ,and live off the food they   84  during the summer .They begin to shut down their food-making factories .The chlorophyll-a green thing in plants ,which can absorb energy (吸收能量)from sunlight and help trees grow ,disappears(消失)from the leaves .As the bright  85   is gone ,we begin to see yellow and orange colors .Small amounts (量)of these colors have been in the leaves all along .We just can’t see them in the summer ,because they are   86   up by the green chlorophyll .

It is the reason that makes the beautiful colors .So we enjoy    87   each year .

80.            81.           82.          83.

84.            85.           86.          87.


愉快又忙碌的初中生活即将结束,请以“My Unforgettable(难忘的) Junior High School Life”为题写一篇英语短文。



My Unforgettable Junior High Life

How time flies! My Junior High School Life is coming to an end


1-6 A C B A C B    7-12 B A C A B C

13-20 B A C C A B A C


71.About Niagara Falls .

72.In America

73. They considered this would destroy the beauty .

74. Yes ,it is .

75. It’s   since   76. if / whether   there  77. isn’t   anything

78. old enough   79. because   of

80. colors   81. why  82. come    83. enough

84. stored / saved  / found  85. green   86. covered 87. them






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