A:No, but my parents went there last week . They had a great time and thought highly of it .
B:OK ,then let’s go to the Expo Garden ,and we can enjoy the wonderful scenery there .
A:Great ! 68 .
B:Of course I won’t .
A:But how shall we get there ?
B:I don’t know the way . 69 .
A:That costs too much ! Wait ,I’ll ask my mother to drive us there .
B:Then when shall we leave ?
A: 70 My parents told me we’d stay there the whole day to have fun .
B:So let’s make it 8 o’clock tomorrow morning .
A:All right ,see you then
66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
第Ⅱ卷 (50分)
You must have heard of Niagara Falls ,a famous waterfall .But do you know the details of Niagara Falls ? Here is some information about it .
Niagara Falls is in North America .It is found on the Niagara River .This river is the border between the United States and Canada .It connects(连接)two Great Lakes .Lake Erie and Lake Ontario .Niagara Falls has a long history .It came into being during the last Ice Age .That was about 12,300 years ago .
The two countries share Niagara Falls .There are different falls on each country’s land .Lots of people come to visit the beautiful sights of the falls .They can also visit Bridal Veil Falls .This is on the American side .People can also visit Horseshoe Falls .This is on the Canadian side .The falls provide a lot of energy and the energy is shared by both countries .
People have always been surprised by the energy on the river .Many factories were built by the river about two hundred years ago .They used the energy from the falls .Lots of people were worried and they considered that this would destroy (毁坏)the beauty ,so the builders had to stop .
71. What does the passage mainly about ?
72. Where is Bridal Veil Falls ?
73. Why did builders have to stop building factories on the Niagara River ?
74.Is the energy shared by both countries?
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