1.There be 结构
eg.There are twenty girls in our class.have也解释为“有”但是与there be有区别,它的含义是“所有,属有”,其主语为某人。eg.I have a nice watch.
b.There be 结构中的be动词要和后面所跟名词保持一致。
c.There is a river near our school.
否:There is not a river near our school.
问:Is there a river near our school.
回答:Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
划⑴How many rivers are there near our school?
⑵What’s near our school?
d.there be 结构的一般将来时,同学们较难掌握,其正确形式为:there is going to be
e.反意疑问句的构成:There is no water in the glass, is there?
eg.Mike has bought some foreign stamps.
So has Bob.=Bob has bought some,too.
eg.Mother has never been to Japan.
Neither has Father.=Father has never been to Japan, either.
c.So+主语+be(助动词,情态动词)。表示果真如此(赞同), 请同学们与a.区别。
eg.A:Mike is right in the classroom.
B:So he is.=He is really in the class room.
⑴It’s two weeks since we met last.(自从我们上次见面已有两个星期了)
⑵How long is it since we left Beijing?(自从我们离开北京已有多久了
4.祈使句+and (那么)...
eg.Go straight on and you’ll see a school. =If you go straight on, you’ll see a school.
eg.Work hard, or you will fall behind the other students.
=If you don’t work hard, you’ll fall behind the other.
6. The+比较级...,the+比较级... 越...越...
eg.⑴The more, the better. 越多越好。
⑵The harder you work on it, the better you’ll be at it.(你越用功,你就越好。)
7.How do you like the film? =What do you think of the film? (你认为这部电影怎样?)
8.What...do with...?怎样对付...?怎样处理...?
eg.A:What have you done with the library book?
B:I’ve just returned it to the library.
9.I don’t know what to do.我不知道该怎么办?
I don’t know how to do. ×
10.What...be like?...是什么样的?
eg.⑴What’s the weather like? 天气如何?
⑵What’s your school like? 你们学校是什么样的?
eg.What do you want a science lab for?=Why do you want a science lab?
12.one of +最高级+复数 最...之一
eg.Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers.
13.find it +形容词+to do
eg.I find it useful to learn English well. (我发觉学好英语是很有用的)
find +宾语 +名词 eg.I find him a good boy. (我发现他是个好男孩.)
find +宾语 +形容词 eg.I find the door open/closed. (我发现门开/关着)
I find our bags filled with/full of presents. (我发现我们的包装满了礼物)
14.I don’t think+肯定句 我想...不
eg.I don’t think I’ll take it. (我想我不买它了)
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