





第一部分 听力部分(共计25分)


I. Listening(本题共25分,Part One、Part Two每小题1分,Part Three、Part Four每小题1.5分)

Part One  Choose the right picture according to what you hear.

Part Two  Match the best choice from A to G according to what you hear.

(    ) 6. Jim is goingA. home

(    ) 7. Mary wants to goB. does homework

(    ) 8. Jim sometimesC. to the cinema

(    ) 9. Mary usuallyD. an excellent TV play

(    )10. Mary thinks Home with Kids isE. a very good film

F. watches TV

G. reads newspapers

Part Three  Choose the right answer according to what you hear.

(    )11. Jack lives______in England.

A. in a villageB. on a farmC. in a town

(    )12. He went to Russia______.

A. on businessB. for a holidayC. to visit his friends

(    )13. He stayed in Russia for______.

A. a few daysB. a few weeksC. a few months

(    )14. He was almost knocked down because______.

A. the street was busyB. he was walking fastC. he forgot the traffic rules

(    )15. The old man wanted to______.

A. help JackB. tell Jack where he wasC. sell maps to Jack

Part Four  Complete the note according to what you hear. Only one word for each blank.

Time:One (16)______ afternoon

Person:Tom and (17)______

Place:On the (18)______

What happened:A car nearly(19)______them and Tom pushed her away.

Result:The girl was saved but Tom was badly(20)______.

第二部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)


II. Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Choose the best answer from A、B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.

(    )21. Bill likes playing_____basketball, but he doesn’t like playing_____piano.

A. the, theB. /, theC. the, /

(    )22. A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. three-year-oldB. three-years-oldC. three years old

(    )23. I have great_____ in learning math and I am so worried.

A. troubleB. interestC. fun

(    )24. We must get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, _____we will be late for the meeting.

A. andB. orC. but

(    )25. My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please_____the radio?

A. turn downB. turn upC. turn on

(    )26. I’ll take_____of the cameras, one is for my brother, the other is for Jim.

A. eitherB. bothC. all



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