


【摘要】中考虽然迫在眉睫,但复习仍需贴近考纲、教材和自己的实际。只有扎实灵活,科学合理,冲刺才能事半功倍,取得理想的效果。威廉希尔app 整理了中考英语听力练习希望对同学们有帮助!


( )1. A. It’s Thursday. B. It’s April 20. C. It’s five past three

( )2. A. Much better. B. The same to you. C. I’d love to.

( )3. A. Yes, you ask. B. Yes, anything else. C. Yes, what is it?

( )4. A. Yes, I agree with you.

B. Certainly, This way, please.

C. Yes, it’s very nice of you.

( )5. A. For a week. B. In a week. C. Once a week.


( )6. A. Some books B. A T-shirt C. A jacket.

( )7. A. In 1874. B. In 1931. C. In 1847.

( ) 8. A. Climb hills. B. Stay at home. C. Go shopping.

( ) 9.A. Lily. B. Lily’s mother. C. Lily’s grandmother.

( )10. A. 809621 B. 809612. C. 806912.


( )11. A. By train. B. By plane. C. By car.

( )12. A. Because the seats are not comfortable.

B. Because she can’t sleep well on the plane.

C. Both A and B.


( )13.A. Mike. B. Helen. C. Both of them.

( )14.. A. She thought she did well. B. She thought she might fail.

C. She thought she did better than Chinese.

( )15. A. It was easy. B. It was hard. C. It was the easiest.


( )16. A. In a middle school B. In different places

C.In the same school all his life

( )17. A. Once a month. B. Every week C. Once in a week ( )18. A. he wanted to do more work B. he wanted to teach the woman

C. a better teacher will take his place

( )19. A. Mr. Green wouldn’t be as good as the next teacher.

B. Mr. Green was the best teacher of all the teachers.

C. Mr. Green would be better than the next one but is worse than the last one

( )20. A. Mr. Green was the last dance teacher there

B. Mr. Green was so bad that he had no students to teach

C. Mr. Green was the si

ixth dance teacher in that city.


1. What’s the date today?

2. Have a nice weekend,everyone!

3. Excuse me, may I ask you a question?

4. Can I go in and see your new house, please?

5. How often do you see your uncle?


6. M: Hi, Lucy. Have you seen my jacket?

W: Oh, yes. I saw it on your desk just now.

Q: What’s the boy looking for?

7. M: Have you read the story about Thomas Edison?

W: Yes, I have. He was a great inventor. He was born in 1847 and died in 1931.

Q: When was Edison born?


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