




1.—Have you read the book Harry Potter?

—Sure.Eric is also __D__ it and we become friends because of that.

A.proud of B.afraid of

C.serious about D.interested in

2.—What did Max just say to you?

—He asked me __A__.

A.if I would like to go skating

B.when did I buy this CD

C.where I will spend the weekend

D.that I had a good time

3.If you behave __C__,others will think you are ________.

A.polite,polite B.polite,politely

C.politely,polite D.politely,politely

4.—Are you afraid of __B__ at home,Linda?

—No,I've grown up.

A.alone B.being alone

C.lonely D.being lonely

5.I don't think it is good for young people to __A__ too much time ________ online.

A.spend,chatting B.take,chatting

C.spend,to chat D.cost,to chat

6.I've been old enough to take care of myself.I'll no longer __D__ my father.

A.keep on B.hold on

C.put on D.depend on

7.I can't tell when the house was built __A__,but it must be very old.

A.exactly B.differently

C.quickly D.simply

8.__B__ they're a little expensive,________ I'll take them.

A.Even though,but B.Even though,/

C.If,but D.Because,/

9.—How was the weather there today?

—Sunny,but cloudy __D__.

A.in time B.on time

C.all the time D.from time to time

10.Jack saw them __B__ football when he passed by the playground yesterday.

A.played B.playing C.to play D.play


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