




1.—Which city is your favorite?

—Hangzhou.I think it's __C__ of all the ten cities.

A.the worst B.worse

C.the best D.better

2.—I think it's necessary to learn how to work in groups.

—I quite agree.Sometimes it's even __B__ than grades.

A.less important B.more important

C.the least important D.the most important

3.—His handwriting is very careful.

—Yeah.With the help of him,his sister writes as __D__ as him.

A.care B.careful

C.more carefully D.carefully

4.—Which is the longest river in China,the Changjiang River or the Yellow River?

—The Changjiang River.The Yellow River is __A__ river in China.

A.the second longest B.the second longer

C.a second longest D.the second long


—I don't mind them.

A.What's your favorite movie

B.Why do you like soap operas

C.What's wrong with you

D.What do you think of sitcoms

6.Kunming is famous __A__ its beautiful scenery(风景)

A.for B.of C.as D.to

7.—Did you have any trouble __A__ the problem?

—No,we didn't,because we had got enough money.

A.solving B.to solve C.solve D.solved

8.—I don't know how to spend my weekends.

—Why don't you__B__some interesting lessons like playing the guitar or drawing pictures?

A.take out B.take up

C.take in D.take off

9.—Do you know what time your uncle __C__ Dazhou tomorrow?

—At 2∶00 p.m.I will meet him when he ________ at the airport.

A.gets to,arrives B.will get to,will arrive

C.will get to,arrives D.gets to,will arrive

10.Some teenagers don't like to talk with their parents,but I am __B__ them.I love to talk with my parents.

A.the same as B.different from

C.pleased with D.interested in


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