


由于我们刚接触到这些知识,运用起来还不够熟练,威廉希尔app 中考频道为大家准备了英语中考备考试卷,欢迎阅读与选择!


26. Jim likes playing soccer a lot, and he_______about two hours playing soccer every day.

A.spent B. spends C. has spent D. will spend

27. Pual________his right hand when he was playing volleyball with his friends.

A. hurts B. had hurt C. has hurt D.hurt

28. ------Where is Jack?

------He_______ to the mall.

A. has gone B.had gone C. will go D. goes

29. ------Hello, May I speak to Kate?


A. I’m Kate B. My name is Kate

C. This is Kate speaking D. Kate is me.

30. -----Would you mind my closing the door?


A. Yes, close it please B. No, of course not

C. Yes, it is open D. No, you can’t close it.

31. ------Where are we going to have a trip?


A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s up to you

C. That’s OK D. Take your time

32. ------Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum.

------Mind you own________________________,Sue!

A. action B. duty C. business D. point

33. -------You improved a lot. How can you make it?

-------I am so eager to learn English well that I _______every opportunity to practice.

A. miss B. get C. have D. take

34. ------I don’t think the new washing machine_______ here.

------But it’s the same size as the old one.

A. fits B. suits C. fixes D. puts

35. Paris was so expensive. We________all our money in one week.

A. went out B. went away C. went with D. went through

36. ------I will return the book tomorrow.

-----You_________. Take your time, you can keep it till next week.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. shan’t

37. -----What do you think of his speech?

-----Oh, wonderful. But he sounded really_________when he started speaking.

A. aloud B. angry C. nervous D. quiet

38. She looks pale, ________she has been ill for some time.

A. for B. so C. when D. yet

39. -----My pencil sharpener is lost and I can’t find it anywhere.

-----So, you’ll have to buy a new_______.

A. it B. other C. one D. any

40. -----Lucy, can you tell me___________?

-----Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where does he lives B. when will the film start

C. where is that new classmate from D. who did the cleaning this morning


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