




1. Let's go to__________(一家) Chinese restaurant.

2. My elder brother is _______ (一个) university student.

3. The poor old man is _________ (一个) honest person.

4. The foreign visitors will be ___________(能) to come tomorrow.

5. Later a neighbour told me __________ (关于) him.

6. Today there are _________(大约) 900,000 people in this city.

7. The planes were flying ____________ (在…上) the clouds.

8. __________ _______ (据…说) Peter, she’s a really good teacher.

9. Mr Li is going to swim __________ (横渡) the Changjiang River next week.

10. ____________(行动) are more important than words.

11. If you _________ 4 to 3 you get 7.

12. Do you know his home ______________(住址).

13. I am ___________(恐怕) you are wrong about that.

14. Don't be ___________ _________ (怕) the dog.

15. The students in the school are not allowed to go out _________(…以后) dark.

16. I'll call him __________(…以后) I get to the school.

17. There will be a meeting _______ ______________ (今天下午).

18. The singer sang the song _________ ________ ____________(一遍又一遍).

19. Please put the ladder _____________(靠在) the wall.

20. I haven't seen her for a______________ (很长时间).

11. add 12. address 13. afraid 14. afraid of 15. after 16. after 17. this afternoon

18. again and again 19. against 20. ages

21. A short while __________(之前), my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.

22. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker’s idea.

23. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker.

24. Birds fly in the _____________ (空中).

25. My parents bought three _________________ (空调机).

26. The road is_________(全) covered with snow.

27. Hurry up! It's_____________(差不多) time for school.

28. The old lady was ____________ (独自) in the house.

29. We went for a walk ___________(沿着) the river.

30. She had _____________(已经) gone when I arrived.

31. ________________(虽然) they are poor the children are happy.

32. The United States of A_____________ is a big country.

33. Can you lend me 2,000 ______________ __________ (美元)?

34. They live _______________(在…之中) the mountains.

35. She read for an hour ____________(然后) went to bed.

36. I came home late and my mother was _____________(生气).

37. The forest is full of wild _______________(动物).

38. I don't like this book, give me ____________ (另外) one.

39. I telephoned this morning, but nobody ______________(接).

40. He is taller than __________ (任何) other boys in his class.

41. Is there ____________(人) in the room?

41. Is there _____________ (什么东西) in that box? 在那盒子里有吗?

42. You can go___________ (任何地方) you like.

43. I have come to _____________ _________(道歉) you.

44. ______ _________(苹果) a day keeps the doctor away.

45. ____________ the first is Fools' Day.

46. There must be something wrong with my left ________ (臂).

47. They look ___________ (四周) but Mary is already gone.

48. The plane _________ ________ (到达) New York at last.

49. The girl is an _____________ (学美术的) student.

50. The children are reading an ____________(文章) about a famous doctor.


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