




1.—Let's go out for dinner.

—Great!But Clean-up Day is two weeks from now.We can't __C__ making a plan.

A.take off B.see off C.put off D.cut off

2.A true friend will never __B__ from you when you're in trouble.

A.take away B.run away C.put off D.get off

3.I __B__ get up late,but now I ________ getting up early.

A.used to,used to B.used to,am used to

C.am used to,am used to D.am used to,used to

4.Tom failed in the exam again __C__ he tried his best.

A.if B.unless C.though D.because

5.David Burt's dream in China is to go into the west and __D__ an early childhood school there.

A.clean up B.look up

C.give up D.set up

6.His father retired(退休) last year,but he __D__ the company.

A.still works B.still work for

C.still is in the control of D.is still in control of

7.—Alice,don't put your things here,__C__.

—OK,I will.

A.put away them B.put on them

C.put them away D.put them on

8.—Is your headache getting __A__?

—No,it's worse.

A.better B.bad C.less D.well

9.—Tom,what's wrong with you?You look tired.

—Oh,I __B__ late to watch a football game last night.I slept for only two hours.

A.gave up B.stayed up

C.set up D.looked up

10.—I have great __D__ in finishing the work by myself.Could you help me?

—No problem.

A.fun B.success

C.advice D.difficulty


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