



Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)

1. I won’t believe it until I see it with my o_______ eyes.

2. Tim’s sister is n_______ because she will have a job interview tomorrow.

3. Alan folded the letter carefully and put it into a nice e_______.

4. It’s not right for you to c_______ other’s homework.

5. L_______, I caught the early bus this morning.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

1. —Hi, why were you late for school?

—Oh, it was my _______ (luck) day; my bike broke down on the way to school.

2. I tell you a piece of _______ (disappoint) news that we didn’t get the first prize.

3. Our teacher said we _______ (take) a day off the next day.

4. I’m _______ (surprise) to find my wallet is on my bed.

5. I do _______ (well) in writing than speaking.

Ⅲ. 单项选择(10分)

1. We hope _______ you again.

A. see   B. that see   C. to see   D. saw

2. —How is Grandma? —She is very _______.

A. good    B. well    C. nice    D. better

3. Sandy is good at _______.

A. swim    B. to swim    C. swims    D. swimming

4. She had a hard time _______ with her classmates in the new school.

A. get on B. to get on

C. getting on D. to getting on

5. I finished my _______ exams yesterday.

A. end of year’s B. end of year

C. end-of-year D. end-of-years

Ⅳ. 补全对话(10分)


A. What does he teach

B. I did OK in some subjects

C. what did your teacher say

D. How about science

E. I could do better

Mother: Did you get your report card today, Scott?

Boy: Uh-huh.

Mother: So, how did you do?

Boy:  1 .

Dad: What did your history teacher say?

Boy: He said  2 .

Dad: That’s not so good. How about Spanish?

Boy: Oh, Ms Mendoza said I was good at speaking.

Mother: That’s nice.

Boy: And Mr. Ricardo said I was hard-working.

Dad:  3 ?

Boy: He’s my math teacher.

Dad: That’s excellent.  4 ?

Boy: Oh, well, science is very hard.

Dad: Yes, but  5 ?

Boy: Umm. . . she. . . she said I was lazy.

Mother: Oh, Scott! You’ll have to try harder at science.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________


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