1.He lost all feelings(感觉) in his arms.
2.He never gives up no matter how many difficulties(困难) he has.
3.The teacher set high standards(标准) for his pupils.
4.Do you know who killed(杀死) her?
5.If there is no coal,oil(石油) can be used instead.
6.Her duties will include putting the children to bed.
7.Did you know the head teacher will present the prizes in person?
8.I'm sorry to say your answer is incorrect.Please try again.
9.The sun appeared and it was sunny.
10.They had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday in Sanya.
The experience of the Cross Country was really unforgettable.Those days will be __11__ (keep) in my memory forever.
Cross Country is a running race (about 5,000 meters).Before the __12__,I got very nervous.When 100 __13__(run) lined up at the starting line,I should have taken a deep __14__(breathe) and prepared to race.However,bad thoughts ran through my head:I've never run such a long race before.What __15__ I am not feeling well?What if...
The starting gun shot me back into the real world.I started running.I kept __16__(tell) myself that I could do this.Then I heard my coach cheer for me.I tried my __17__.When I passed the finish line,I was too tired to stand.All I __18__(can) do was breathing.Later,I felt my leg get really sore,but I thought it wasn't a big deal.However,the sores later turned into pain.A doctor said I can no __19__ practice in the future.I feel so sad.
The race has ended,but I still miss it.Yet I also have learnt that we should __20__ push ourselves too hard.Sometimes it gives us the opposite results.
11.kept 12.race 13.runners 14.breath
15.if 16.telling 17.best 18.could
19.more/longer 20.never/not
Years ago,while I lived in England,part of my college task was to help the children with special needs.
I was chosen to __21__ in a school with disabled children.The teacher asked me to __22__ Nancy,a tenyearold girl.One of __23__ hands could not move.At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement __24__ she was able to put on her own coat.But I saw more in her.She had always wanted to put a string __25__ the hole of a key.
For the 5 years Nancy was in the school,the teachers always __26__ to help her,but always ended up doing all the work for her.I knew Nancy could do __27__,so I encouraged her to do something herself.At first Nancy often failed and got very __28__.Sometimes I wanted to give up,too.__29__,after a week Nancy was able to do __30__ she had wanted to do alone for so many years.Her teachers cried __31__ when they saw the thing she was able to do with just some encouragement.
Disabled people should __32__ be told they can't do this or that.With just some encouragement they can do it.The look __33__ that girl's face when she was able to do it herself meant __34__ to me.I hope everyone will encourage people to do all they want by themselves __35__ telling them they can't do it.
Something is so small,but it can make a difference.
( C )21.A.read B.study C.work D.visit
( A )22.A.look after B.look for
C.look at D.look over
( B )23.A.his B.her C.my D.your
( C )24.A.before B.though C.if D.until
( A )25.A.through B.across
C.over D.into
( D )26.A.failed B.refused C.agreed D.tried
( B )27.A.less B.more C.nothing D.anything
( D )28.A.excited B.pleased C.unsafe D.unhappy
( B )29.A.And B.However
C.But D.So
( C )30.A.which B.that C.what D.how
( D )31.A.in danger B.in fear
C.with care D.with joy
( A )32.A.never B.always
C.often D.sometimes
( C )33.A.of B.in C.on D.at
( B )34.A.the earth B.the sun
C.the moon D.the world
( A )35.A.instead of B.because of
C.together with D.more than
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