



Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)

1. There is a song named The M_______ Loves the Rice(《老鼠爱大米》).

2. I have a white r_______; it likes eating carrots.

3. In China, a family is encouraged (鼓励) to have only one c_______.

4. Mr. Wu received a p_______ from his friend, but he didn’t accept it.

5. Things usually start to go wrong when you keep a bad _______ (伙伴).

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. Mr. Smith keeps a _______ pot-bellied pig.

A. 3 year old B. 3 years old

C. 3-year-old D. 3-years-old

2. The room is _______ small for three children to live in.

A. so    B. very    C. such    D. too

3. Now the socks are on sale. A pair only _______ 2 yuan.

A. cost    B. costs    C. spend    D. spends

4. Mrs. Li would live in the old house _______ buy an apartment in downtown.

A. rather than B. instead

C. instead of D. than

5. The girl was so excited that she couldn’t _______.

A. sleep B. go to bed

C. fall asleep D. feel sleepy

Ⅲ. 完成句子(10分)

1. 工作日我们没有足够的时间陪孩子。

On weekdays, we don’t have _______ _______ to _______ _______ our child.

2. 请安静,同学们。布朗先生将赠送图书给我们。

Be quiet, boys and girls. Mr. Brown will _______ _______ books _______ us.

3. 相反,打个电话就足够了。

_______, _______ a telephone call is enough.

4. 热带鱼太难照料。

Tropical fish are too difficult _______ _______ _______ _______.

5. 请打开窗户,让清新空气进来。

Please _______ the window and let fresh air _______.

Ⅳ. 补全对话(10分)


A. They are too ugly.

B. but his hair is too long.

C. A cat can catch mice.

D. but sometimes it’s too noisy.

E. I love them.

A: What kind of pet shall we get?

B: How about a cat?  1

A: A cat? I don’t like cats. Cats aren’t friendly enough.

B: Well then, how about a parrot? Parrots are very cute.

A: That’s true,  2  It’s bad for my study. Let’s get a pet like a pig.

B: Eeew!  3  Hey, what about a dog? Look, there is a beautiful dog over there.

A: That dog is really nice,  4  It’s boring to clean up dog hair every day.

B: Mm, that’s right. Well, these tropical fish look nice and lovely.

A: Yeah,  5

B: Let’s get them.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________


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