







第I卷(客观性试题 共50分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)

1. Every year          Mother' s Day is on          second Sunday in May.

A. the; the          B. /; the          C. the; /          D. /; /

2. Since you are           trouble, why not ask           help .

A. in , for            B. in , to           C. with , for         D. with , to

3. We have two rooms          here, but I can't decide______________ .

A. to live, to choose which one             B. lived, choose which

C. to live in, which one to choose           C. live there, which one

4. Mary is always very slow and waiting for her _____________me mad .

A.  make            B. drive            C. drives          D. let

5.---I won’t come to the party unless Peter_______.---You mean if Peter comes, you' 11 come?

A. invites           B. is invited         C. will be invited    D. will invite

6. --- Do you need more time to complete the task?  --- Yes. Another ten days____ enough .

A. is               B. was             C. are              D. were

7. Don’t eat too much junk food . It’s ______________ your health.

A. good for     B. good to      C. harmful for    D. harmful to

8. The man called Tom          for about five years.

A. was dead     B. has been dead   C. was dying    D. has died

9. I like the pictures wh ich          on the desk.

A. are   B. is  C. being  D. was

10. ----David has made great progress recently.----____________ ,and ___________.

A. So he has; so have you              B. So has he; so have you

C. So he has; so you have              D So does he; so have you

11. Have some more tea, _______________________  ?

A. shall you       B. have you       C. can you        D. will you

12. He          die          say sorry to his brother.

A. Preferred , to   B. would rather , than   C. Preferred ,  than   D. would rather , to

13. It’ s reported that _________________ new shopping centers will be built soon in our city.

A. more two    B. two another     C. another two    D. the other two

14. These pictures will show you _______________.

A. what does our hometown look like       B. what our hometown looks like

C. how does our hometown look like        D. how our hometown looks like

15. ------ Is Mrs. Black really badly ill?   ------                 She’s in hospital.

A. I don't think so   B. No, he isn't    C. I don't hope so    D. I'm afraid so

Ⅱ. 从所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话(有两项是多余的)(5分)

A:Have you ever read the novel Jane Eyre?

B:  16  .

A:What a pity!It’s a wonderful book, you know.

B:Well, I’ve been wanting to read for a long time,

but I can’t get a copy. The library has only three

copies and   17  .

A:Well,   18   . If you like, I’ll lend it to you.

B:Thank you.  19   . By the way, when can I get it?

A:  20   Will you please come to my house after


B:OK. I’ll go as soon as school is over.

III. 完形填空(共10分)阅读下面短文,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens,or looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and   21  are creative.    22  can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

David Smith is a student. His hobby is  23    In senior high school, he wrote a book and

it came out in 2003. Many teenagers love his book. As a result, David has become a successful

young   24

In spite of his great success, David regards writing  25  only one of his many hobbies and interests. "I like playing badminton, too," says David. He isn’ t sure if he is going to write more books in the future.

David is very lucky  26  his hobby has brought him enjoyment and  success. But he is

27  in many other things, and he spends time playing badminton for his school team. It' s some-

thing difficult to remember that we shouldn' t   28  all our time on our favorite hobby. There

are  29  other interesting t hings to do in life, and we should try to do  30  new or different.

21. A. the other            B. another            C. others            D. other

22. A. Friends             B. Hobbies           C. Habits            D. Life

23. A. reading             B. painting           C. writing            D. fishing

24. A. editor               B. engineer          C. writer             D. host

25. A. as                  B. with             C. for                D. tox k b 1 . c o m

26. A. though              B. because           C. however           D. if

27. A. interesting           B. interest           C. interested           D. interests

28. A. take                B. spend             C. pay               D. cost

29. A. many               B. much             C. little               D. few

30. A. some               B. something         C. any                D. anything

IV. 阅读理解(共20分) 根据短文的内容, 选择一个最佳答案,并涂在答题卡上。


There are many things we need to know that we do not learn at school. For example, if w e want to use our money wisely, we need to shop carefully. We need to know how to compare (比较) the prices of things in different shops. We need to be able to compare the quality of different brands (品牌) . We need to know how to make a sensible (明智的)choice when we shop.

Knowing how to make such choices is a " life skill ", and we need these skills if we want to live useful and happy lives.

Most life skills are about making choices. Everyday we have to make many choices. For example, will I eat healthy food for lunch or will I ea t junk food because it is tasty? Will I work hard in all my classes or will I waste time? We make choices like this every day.

Making the wrong choices can bring unhappiness. We have realized that the choices we make can affect the rest of our lives. Just as importantly, our choices can also affect ot her people. The next time you misbehave in class or fight with your brother or sister, think about this: who else does your choice affect?

31.In the passage “careful shopping” means ______.

A.going to lots of different shops      B. comparing prices and brands

C.comparing shops                 D.going to sensible shops

32.According to the passage life skills can make us______.

A. get to school early                B. know how to make choices

C.live useful and happy lives          D. go shopping

33.The underlined word“misbehave”means ______.

A. misunderstand   B. pay attention   C. act badly    D .  fall asleep

34. From the passage, we know that your choices affect_____.

A. you and your parents              B. you and other people

C. lots of other people                  D. everybody except you

35. The main idea of this passage is ____.

A. it's important to know how to shop carefully

B. it's important to know how to compare prices

C. it's important to make the right choices

D. we learn everything we need to know at school


What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself ? Please read the following passage.

Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save yourself. It is important to know the ways you can use and to show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways (楼梯) and fire escapes, but not lifts.

From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving through windows with the least chance of serious injury (伤害).

The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average person, hanging by the finger-tips (手指尖) will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.

Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may have leaked (泄露) into the room.

On a second or t hird floor, the best windows for escape are those which open onto a roof (屋顶).From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement (水泥) might end in injury. Bushes(灌木) and grass can help to break a fall.

36. It is important to                  .

A. know the ways to escape a fire           B. put out a fire in a burning house

C. jump out of a burning house             D. keep the door closed

37. It is possible to escape through the windows                .

A. if you are strong enough               B. if there are some bushes on the ground

C. if you live on a lower floor             D. if you have a long rope

38. Which of the following ways of escaping is not right?

A. You can escape through stairways

B. use a lift to come down at once

C. Escape through the windows which open onto a roof

D. You can choose fine escapes

39. Keep your head low at the window so that      if the building is on fire

A. you can get fresh air                    B. you can call for help

C. you can easily jump off                  D. you can be seen first

40. The best title for the passage is         .


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