一. Choose the best answer
1. — Hi, Mum. I’m cooking the dinner.
— ______________?
A. That’s great. B. OK C. Really D. Guess
2. —Can you send a postcard to my friend?
—Certainly. ________me the name and address.
A. Say B. Speak C. Talk D. Tell
3. Wang Hui is __________ his mother on his cell phone.
A. drawing B. leaving C. calling D. dressing
4. —Are you having a good time?
—Yes. _________, we’re going back.
A. Anyway B. So C. Then D. Because
5. Don’t talk here. They are __________.
A. walking B. playing C. sitting D. sleeping
6. In summer the sun is too hot at _________.
A. morning B. midday C. midnight D. evening
7. ________your new clothes and let’s have a look.
A. Dress B. Put on C. Get dressed D. Wear
8. —__________ the trip?
—Yes, we are.
A. Does he enjoy B. Do you enjoy C. Is Sam enjoying D. Are you enjoying
9. My cat likes ______ in the sun.
A. singing B. reading C. lying D. working
10. There are many people on the bus . Some are sitting and _________ are standing.
A. the others B. others C. all D. some
11. The tiger ____ breakfast.
A. run for B. runs C. is running D. is running for
12. Some people are having ________ at home.
A. afternoon tea B. afternoon’s tea C. afternoon teas D. tea of afternoon
13. _______ are they having dinner?
A. Who B. Which C. Where D. What
14. He usually sends ________ postcards to his friend.
A. a lot B. lot of C. a lot of D. a lots
15. He ______ on the grass and _____ the sun.
A. is lying, enjoy B. is lying, having C. is lying, enjoying D. lies, enjoy
二. Fill in the blanks with a proper word.
1. Betty is __________ a school trip.
2. Don’t read _______ the sun. It’s bad for your eyes.
3. Here is a postcard: Greetings __________ Australia.
4. He is waiting ________ his mother.
5. Families are getting together _______ the moment.
6. Do you go to school ____ a car or by bus?
7. Thank you ______ you postcard.
8. He is walking to a put and having a _________.
9. I enjoy the concert a __________.
10. Next Sunday is my sister’s birthday, so now I am shopping for _________.
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