听 力 材 料
1.Who is your favorite painter, Li Ming?
2.Mozart died when he was 35 years old.
3.Who did Sandy and Pigsy help win every battle?
4.What has he made up his mind to be?
5.What kind of painting does Mona Lisa belong to?
6.M: Jane, which do you like better, landscapes or portraits?
W: I think that landscapes are less beautiful than portraits.
Q: What does Jane like better?
7.M: Could you tell me something about Red Star over China?
W: Sorry, I haven’t read it.
Q: Can the woman tell the man something about Red Star over China?
8.W: I like to read Simon Smith’s works.
M: So do I. It is said that he writes on his computer. And his new book will come out next week.
W: Great! I will get one as soon as it’s out.
Q: Who is Simon Smith?
9.W: I like soft music. How about you?
M: I can’t understand it. It makes me sleepy.
Q: What does the man think of soft music?
10.M: The story Sand and Stone tells us the meaning of friendship.
W: You’re right. I have read it several times.
Q: How does the woman like the story?
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