The film is very exciting and dramatic(戏剧性的), but it is also romantic(浪漫的) and very sad. It is about the ship, the Titanic, which sank in the Atlantic in 1912. It is a love story. The two famous stars are Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslett. They fall in love on the ship, but are not allowed to be together as she is rich and he is poor. Leonardo is excellent as poor, handsome Jack and Kate Winslett is perfect as rich and beautiful Rose. The best thing about the film is the part where the ship is sinking. This love story doesn’t have a happy ending.
Flubber is a comedy. Starring(主演) Robin Williams is a forgetful scientist. He is very forgetful and he even forgets his own wedding(婚礼)! Flubber is the name of the amazing(令人惊奇的) green stuff(物品) that he invents. The plot(情节) is about two bad men who try to steal both Flubber and the scientist’s girlfriend. The scientist has lots of silly adventures(历险) with Flubber, and he is really funny as the mad scientist. The best thing about the film is the special effects as Flubber changes into all different shapes and sizes and even does a dance routine(舞蹈动作). It’s really an enjoyable film.
Name of film Type of film Stars Main characters
(主要人物) Best thing
about film
56. ________ Love story Leonardo Di Caprio,
Kate Winslett 59. ________ 60. ________
Flubber 57. ________ 58. ________ Forgetful scientist Special effects
A: Welcome to our restaurant! Here’s the menu. 66.________________________ ?
B: Sure. I’d like to try Beijing roast duck.
A:67._________, but we don’t have any today.68.________ to start with Roast chicken?
B: OK. Roast chicken must be delicious.
A: 69._______________________________ ?
B: I’d like two bottles of Tsingtao beer.
A: 70.______________________ ?
B: No, that’s all.
A: So you’d like to have Roast chicken and two bottles of Tsingtao beer.
B: Yes, that’s right.
A: Thank you. Please 71._________________.
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