


英语作为文科科目当中的一个重要组成部分,需要记忆理解的东西比理科要多的多,所以复习的战线需要拉得更长,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了2016年中考英语模拟试题,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



1. A. Where are my keys?  B. John likes hamburgers.  C. They have two basketballs.

2. A. How much is this skirt?  B. My birthday is in July.  C. Who’s your math teacher?

3. A. Can you play the guitar?  B. You can join the soccer club. C. He works at a radio station.

4. A. I usually get up at 7:00 am. B. How does he get to school? C. Don’t run in the hallways.

5. A. Where are they from?  B. Why don’t you like tigers?  C. We went boating yesterday.


6. A.      B.      C.

7. A.         B.           C.

8. A.          B.            C.

9. A.        B.          C.

10. A.     B.       C.

C)在录音中, 你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(5分)

11. A. He went fishing.   B. He went camping.   C. He played soccer.

12. A. This afternoon.   B. Tonight.     C. Tomorrow.

13. A. 30 dollars.    B. 40 dollars.     C. 50 dollars.

14. A. By car.     B. By bike.     C. By bus.

15. A. His father.    B. His brother.     C. His cousin.

D)在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。(5分)

16. A. Because he was too tired.  B. Because he had to cook dinner.

C. Because he had lots of work to do.

17. A. In a book.          B. In a magazine.          C. In a dictionary.

18. A. About half an hour.    B. About an hour.   C. About two hours.

19. A. Angry.     B. Surprised.      C. Afraid.

20. A. A picture of a man.      B. A picture of a lion.         C. A picture of a house.

II. 读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。


21. I like ice-cream but I don’t eat it. I don’t want to be ________ / fæt /.

A. fat   B. fit     C. sit    D. far

22. Mr. King is from the USA. He has blue eyes and a big ________ / nəʊz /

A. note        B. neck    C. nose    D. north

23. May I ________ / lʊk / at your family photo, Mike?

A. like         B. look      C. lock     D. luck

24. Bill is kind. He is always _______ / 'redɪ / to help others.

A. red       B. read   C. rainy    D. ready

25. I think health is more  _______ / ɪmˈpɔ:tnt / than money.

A. improve  B. imagine     C. impolite       D. important

III.选择填空  从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)

26. –I don’t feel well. I think I have a cold.

–You should drink a lot of ________.

A. apple     B. water   C. bread           D. carrot

27. –Why don’t you like the cat?

–Well, ________ she’s kind of boring.

A. so      B. but    C. or     D. because

28. Sam’s brother is a good boy. We all like ________.

A. she     B. her    C. his     D. him

29. –Is your son in Grade Five?

–Yeah. He’ll be in Grade ________ next year. Time flies!

A. Two     B. Three   C. Six     D. Nine

30. –Alice, do you have ________ sister?

–Yes, I do. Her name is Amy.

A. a      B. an    C. the     D. /

31. –Do you know Mo Yan?

–Of course. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature ________ 2013.

A. in      B. at    C. on     D. to

32. –Excuse me. Is this your model plane?

–No, it isn’t. My model plane is _______ than this one.

A. new          B. newer        C. newest          D. worst

33. –________ is your birthday?

–It’s on May 24th.

A. How       B. What        C. When      D. Where

34. Mr. Black lost his bag yesterday. ________, his keys and ID card were not in it.

A. Carefully B. Luckily C. Quickly D. Suddenly

35. –________, Sally! The school bus is coming.

–Oh, no! I can’t find my schoolbag.

A. Come on        B. Work on        C. Put off        D. Turn off

36. Which of the following is a traffic sign?

A.       B.       C.         D.

37. –John, do you want to join me for dinner this evening?


A. Excuse me    B. I’d love to  C. Yes, please.      D. Nice to meet you

38. It’s dangerous to _______ small children alone in a car.

A. play        B. work       C. leave        D. learn

39. –Look at that girl under the tree. Is it Ann?

–It________ be Ann. She is reading in the library now.

A. can     B. can’t      C. must        D. mustn’t

40. –________ delicious food! Thanks, Mrs. King.

–I’m glad that you like it.

A. What            B. What a           C. What an         D. How

41. –What ________ do you like?

–I like green.

A. kind      B. size     C. time    D. color

42. –Do you like to eat a birthday cake or noodles?


A. Yes, I do         B. No, we don’t      C. I eat noodles.     D. A medium bowl.

43. –________ do you exercise?

–Three times a week.

A. How much  B. How many   C. How often      D. How long

44. –I want to buy some flowers.

–There ________ a flower store across from the pay phone.

A. is B. has C. are D. have

45. –What did you do on the farm?

–We helped the farmer ________ strawberries.

A. pick  B. picks  C. picked  D. picking

46. Which of the following places should we go to if we want to borrow some books?

A.      B.    C.     D.

47. –Summer vacation is coming. What’s your plan?

–I ________ my grandparents in the countryside.

A. visit   B. visited   C. will visit   D. was visiting

48. –________ the window, please. It’s hot here.


A. Open  B. Opens  C. To open  D. Opening

49. Some animals are in danger. We must do ________ to protect them.

A. nobody          B. nothing          C. somebody        D. something

50. Bob and Mary are from the UK. But ________ of them are interested in Chinese culture.

A. All             B. Both             C. Neither          D. None

51. –Could you clean the living room, Tom?

–OK, but I have to _______ the tape player first. It doesn’t work.

A. put up           B. make up C. fix up            D. cut up

52. They are ________ poor ________ build a new school for the children. We must help them.

A. so; that          B. as; as            C. either; or          D. too; to

53. –Nick speaks Chinese very well.

–Yes. He has ________ China for many years.

A. gone to           B. been to         C. come to         D. been in

54. We’ll go to climb the mountains if it ________ rain tomorrow.

A. doesn’t           B. won’t            C. didn’t            D. isn’t

55. –Excuse me, do you know ________?

–Sure. You go east along this street and turn left.

A. where can I buy some medicine       B. where the nearest hospital is

C. how does David get to school         D. how can I get to the station


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