摘要:威廉希尔app 为大家带来初中英语模拟试题,希望能帮助考生们备战中考,小编相信大家的能力一定会在原有基础上得到提高!
1.A?My brother visits us each summer.?B?My father and brother visited the Summer Palace.?
C?I saw my uncle last year.?D?My mother and father visited me last summer.
2.A?Tom wished his friend a happy birthday.?B?It's Tom's birthday.?
C?Tom's friend sent him a card.?D?Tom's friend wished him a happy birthday.
3.A?We were so busy talking that I forgot to pay.?
B?We were so busy working that we didn't know the time.
C?We were so busy walking that we missed the shop.
D?They were so busy looking for the jobs that they could't be here on time.
4.A?We met each other last week.B?We met first a long time ago.?
C?We will meet next week.D?We haven't met each other for a long time.
5.A?Mary is old enough to go to school.B?Mary isn't strong enough to move the stone.
C?Mary is too hungry to walk any longer.D?Mary is too young to go to school.?
6.A?He is working with a Chinese.?B?A Chinese is working hard.?
C?He is learning Chinese very hard.?D?He is working hard on Japanese.?
7.A?I was working in the park.?B?I lost my pen in the park.??
C?I dropped my bag on the ground.?D?I was walking in the dark.?
8.A?Today is Monday.?B?Today is Tuesday.?
C?Tomorrow is Monday.?D?Tomorrow is Thursday.
9?A?Yes.My name is Zhou Hua.?B?Yes.I'm Zhou Hua.??
C?Hello,this is Zhou Hua speaking.?D?Yes,Zhou Hua is me.
10.A?No,you didn't.?B?Yes,please say it again.??
C?No,you couldn't follow me.?D?Certainly.I'll repeat it .?
11A?About ten minutes.?B?She is not far.??
C?On the third floor.?D?The teacher is in the office.?
12.A?They are white.?B?They are on the right.??
C?They are planting trees.?D?They are my brother's.?
13.A?No,we'll go to the playground.?B?Yes,let's go shopping now.??
C?No,the ball is in the playground.?D?That's a good idea.Let's go.??
14A?On the farm.?B?On the playground.??C?In the shop.?D?In the street.
15.A?It's all right.?B?That's a new thing.??C?Yes.Look at that thing.?D?It's big and round.?
16A?Yes,thanks.?B?Not at all.??C?You are welcome.?D?All right,but please be quick.
17.A?Mary,Jack and Tom.?B?Jack and Tom.??C?Kate and Jack.?D?Kate,Jack and Tom.??
18.A?At someone's home.?B?At a bus-stop.??C?In a hospital.?D?In a restaurant(餐厅).?
20A 10yuan.B 13yuan.C 30yuan.D?3yuan.
21?A?date ?B?same ?C?any ?D?table
22?A?egg ?B?even ?C?desk ?D?leg?
23?A?food ?B?foot ?C?good ?D?look
24?A?arm ?B?garden ?C?warm ?D?park?
25?A?change ?B?machine ?C?cheap ?D?each
26.???trees are cut down in the forests every year.
?A?Thousand ?B?Thousand of ?C?Thousands ?D?Thousands of
27 Do you often hear from ????A?she ?B?her letter ?C?hers?D?her
28 He's lived here ??1980.?A?after?B?in?C?from ?D?since
29-Can you understand me??Sorry,I can??understand you.
A.hardly?B?almost?C?nearly ?D?ever
30-Are there any people in the park?
?-Yes,there are?.
A?few ?B?a few ?C?little?D?a little
31-??does it take me from my school to your school?
?-About five minutes.
A?How many ?B?How far?C?How much?D?How long
32Betty didn't go to see the film yesterday??she was ill.
A?because ?B?but?C?until?D?if
33-When do you usually have your ??in the evening??-We usually have it at half past six.
A?things ?B?rice?C?meal ?D?food?
34The little boy is always interested??science.
A?with ?B?by ?C?in ?D?at
35This box is??that one.?
A?heavy than ?B?so heavy than C?heavier as ?D?as heavy as
36He came early this morning,didn't he??-Yes,he did.He often ??to school early.
?A?come?B?comes?C?came?D?has come
37?-Can I ??your bike??-With pleasure.But you mustn't??it to others.?
A?lend;borrow ?B?borrow;lend C?carry;lend ?D?borrow;keep
38I saw him ??basketball with Jack an hour ago.?
A?plays ?B?to play?C?played?D?play
39-I have finished my homework.?-When ??you ??it??
A?have;finished ?B?do;finish C?did;finish ?D?will;finish
40You have met before,????
A?haven't you ?B?have you?C?do you?D?don't you
41?-It's very cold outside.?-Oh,yes.You'd better ??your coat.
A?put on?B?put away ?C?put back?D?put up
42She asked me if I knew ??.?
A?whose pen is it?B?whose pen it was ?C?whose pen it is ?D?whose pen was it
43.-Must I write all the words down now??-No,you??.?
A.mustn't ?B.can't ?C.won't ?D.needn't
44-Hello.May I speak to Jim,please??-???
A?Who are you ?B?Who is he C?Who's that ?D?Whose is it
45-Thank you for your help.?-??.
A?It doesn't matter?B?You're welcome C?You're kind ?D?I don't think so
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