


摘要:为了帮助大家扎实的复习备战中考,威廉希尔app 小编整理了人教版九年级上册英语一模试题,希望能帮助同学们复习学过的知识,请同学们认真阅读复习!


(   )1. —How do you learn English?   — I learn English by_____________.

A. listen to tapes   B. speak it    C. listening to tapes   D. ask the teacher

(   )2. If you have questions, you should ask the teacher ______________help.

A. from          B. on       C. for              D. to

(   )3. He speaks too quickly______________.

A. understand                 B. write them down

C. to understand               D. to write down them

(   )4. As time _________, we know each other better.

A. goes by         B. passes by    C. went on          D. going by

(   )5. Tony thinks it is easy____________ English.

A. study         B. learns    C. to learn          D. studies

(   )6. Every year thousands of foreign students come to London to_______ their English.

A. improve     B. enjoy    C. help              D. teach

(   )7. —Why did you quarrel(争吵) with your mum?

— She was always___ a little kid.

A. regarding me as          B. thinking me as

C. treating me like          D. thinking of me like

(   )8. When I spoke English, people there always laughed __________me.

A. at          B. in       C. over              D. from

(   )9. — I don’t know how to deal with these old books.

—_________ giving them to the children from poor families?

A. What about      B. Why don’t you    C. Shall we     D. Why not

(   )10. When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as        as he could.

A. hardly          B. quickly    C. finally             D. slowly

(   )11. — What do you think of________ dictionary on the desk?

— It’s very useful, I think.

A. a              B. an        C. the               D. /

(   )12. — How is your English study?

— Not bad. But I_____ learning English grammar.

A. am interested in  B. am good at  C. have a little trouble  D. have no trouble

(   )13. My sister is afraid ________ out at night, because she is afraid ______dark.

A. of going, to      B. to go, of   C. going, of          D. to go, to

(   )14. If you don’t know how to read new words, ______ a dictionary.

A. look up them in               B. look them for from

C.look them up in                D. look for them from

(   )15. I don’t like bread. I won’t eat it_________ I am very hungry.

A. while          B. when       C. as               D. unless


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