


摘要:威廉希尔app 小编在考前复习的时候准备了初三第一轮复习试题,欢迎大家点击文章参考复习,提高同学们答题的能力,在中考时能发挥最好的水平!

第一节冠词  名词

(   ) 1. It takes us _________ hour or more to go to my home town by _________ train.

A. an; a           B. a; an           C. an; /           D. a; /

(   ) 2. –In which class is _________ boy in white?    --He’s in Class 4.

A. the             B. an             C. an             D. /

(   ) 3. –By the way, have you got _________ E-mail address?

--Oh yes, it’s rggren@ hotmail. com.

A. the             B. an             C. a              D. /

(   ) 4. Have you seen such big ________?

A. a tomato        B. tomato         C. tomatoes        D. tomatos

(   ) 5. Several _________ are talking under the tree. And their ________ are swimming in the lake.

A. woman; children  B. woman; child   C. women; children D. women; child

(   ) 6. –What would you like,Madam?

–I’d like ________, please.

A. two bottles of orange                B. two bottles of oranges

C. two bottle of oranges                D. two bottle of orange

(   ) 7. The little baby has two ________ already.

A. tooth            B. tooths          C. teeth          D. teeths

(   ) 8. –Which _________ of Shanghai do you come from?

--Let me show you on the map.

A. city             B. village          C. country        D. part

(   ) 9. “What _________ do you like best?”      “Football.”

A. food             B. subject         C. sport          D. music

(   ) 10. About _________ films were shown during the 5th Shanghai International Film  Festival.

A. two hundred of    B. two hundreds of C. two hundred    D. two hundreds

(   ) 11. This is an old photo of mine when I ________.

A. have short hairs   B. had short hairs   C. have short hair D. had short hair

(   ) 12. More college graduates would like to work in ________ west part of our country ________ next year.

A. the; the         B. /; /              C. /; the          D. the; /

(   ) 13. Can you see _________ sun in the day-time?

A. a               B. the             C. an            D. /

(   ) 14. The singer usually sings while playing ________ guitar.

A. a               B. an              C. the           D. /

(   ) 15. I’ve got information for all the computers now.

A. a               B. an              C. the           D. /

(   ) 16. It would be ________ waste of money to buy such a small dictionary.

A. a               B. an              C. the           D. /


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