摘要:要想学好本门课程,首先要抱着浓厚的兴趣去学习,积极展开思维的翅膀,主动地参与教育全过程,充分发挥自己的主观能动性,愉快有效地学习。威廉希尔app 为大家带来九年级上册英语期中试卷,供您参考!
第一部分 听力(25分)
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
( ) 6.What would she like to be?
A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A soldier.
( ) 7.The train will arrive in Shanghai at _____.
A.18: 00 B.20: 00 C.12: 00
( ) 8.Our teacher is speaking to _____.
A. her friend B. Jim’s mother C. Jim’s father
( ) 9.The flight number of the plane leaving for Nanchang is CA _____.
A.308 B.038 C.380
( ) 10.Jane has been to _____.
A. a children’s school
B. a children’s home
C. a disabled children’s home
( ) 11.Who is this phone call for?
A. Fred. B. Alice. C. Mum.
( ) 12.What’s the weather like today?
A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Windy.
( ) 13.Where are they going?
A. To the school. B. To the beach. C. To the farm.
( ) 14.What are they going there for?
A. Visiting the farm. B. Taking a walk. C. Having a picnic.
( ) 15. When will they start tomorrow?
A. At 6: 30. B. At 6: 45. C. At 7: 15.
Maybe you really want to be a 16 person. But you don’t know what to do. Now I can give you some 17 . For example, when you go somewhere not far, you’d better walk or ride a bike 18 of taking a bus or a car. If you like smoking, try to 19 it, or at least you mustn’t smoke in 20 places. When you see some rubbish on the street, you should try to clean it up and so on. In fact, it is easier to say than to do. Could you do well?
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
( ) 21. The letter is from _____ to _____.
A. Linda; her pen pal B. Linda; her parents C. her parents; Linda
( ) 22. Linda is in _____.
A. the capital of the U.S.A. B. New York City C. Hawaii
( ) 23. Linda learned to _____ from Tom.
A. swim B. skate C. surf
( ) 24. Waikiki is the most famous _____.
A. beach B. sand C. mountain
( ) 25. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. The weather is very good. B. There are few visitors there.
C. The water is very clear.
第二部分 基础知识运用(95分)
Ⅰ、单项选择(20 分)
( )26. He _______ to school by bike, but now he_______ to school on foot.
A. used to going; get used to go B. get used to going; used to go
C. used to go; gets used to go D. used to go, gets used to going
( )27. He was supposed ______ here yesterday.
A. to come B. come C. coming D. comes
( )28. ─ Have you ever __________ my stamps?
─ Yes, I __________ them on your desk yesterday.
A. saw; saw B. seen; saw C. saw; seen D. seen; was seeing
( )29. ─You have made great progress in English.
─ __________.
A. So I do. B. So do I. C. So I have D. So have I.
( )30. I didn’t know what __________ to her last night.
A. was happened B. happening C. was happen D. happened
( )31. In China, about ______ of people _________ in cities now.
A. three fifths, live B. third fifth, lives
C. third fifths, live D. three fifths, lives
( )32. ----Have you found your sister _________?
----Thank you. I have _________ found her.
A. yet, yet B. yet, already C. already, yet D. already, already
( )33. Trees can stop the sand _____ towards the rich farmland in the south.
A. moveing B. from moving C. to move D. moves
( )34. Don’t give up ,_____ you will never succeed.
A. and B. but C. or D. while
( )35. There are five people in the room, but I know _____.
A. both of them B. all of them C. none of them D. neither of them
( )36. —How long have you lived in this town?
—_____ 2001.
A. To B. In C. Since D. Until
( )37. What can we students do _____ the environment?
A. protecting B. protected C. to protect D. protects
( )38. —Do you know him?
—I’m sure I’ve seen him _____, but I can’t remember the right place.
A. anywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. everywhere
( )39. It’s a good song, _____ the lyrics(歌词)are not good enough.
A. which B. so C. and D. though
( )40. She finished the work _____ as soon as possible. She’s very happy now.
A. succeed B. successful C. success D. successfully
( )41. I met my teacher I was walking in the street, but I didn’t say hello
to him.
A. before B. after C. until D. while
( )42. His close friend _____ for two years.
A. died B. has died C. has been died D. has been dead
( )43. The book cost so _____ that she didn’t buy it.
A. much B. many C. big D. expensive
( )44. ----________ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005?
----It ________ about 296 million.
A. What is, is B. How many is, is
C. How many was, was D. What was, was
( )45. Jim’s never been to the Great Wall before, ______ he?
A. has B. is C. hasn’t D. isn’t
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