29. Please turn the TV down. It is too ___________ (noise).
30. In a few _________ (year) time, Zhuji will be more beautiful.
31. He didn’t get enough sleep yesterday evening, so he feels a little _________ (sleep) now.
32. I want to be an ________(art)when I grow up.
33. We feel sorry that Chen Yifei, a famous __________ (paint), died when he was 59.
II. 单项选择
34. The youth worker offered the teenagers some valuable _______.
A. suggestion B. advices C. suggestions D. advise
35. --- ________ that new bike over there? ---I think it’s _______.
A. Who’s; Sam B. Who’s; Sam’s C. Whose is; Sam D. Whose is; Sam’s
36. The man is ________ father.
A. Lily or Lucy B. Lily and Lucy C. Lily’s or Lucy D. Lily and Lucy’s
总结:英语高频考点测试卷就为大家分享到这里了,希望能帮助考生们复习本门功课 ,做好最后的考前冲刺!
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