




14. It’s so crowded here. Let’s make some ______ for the baby.

A. house    B. home   C. seats   D. chairs

15. --- I don’t know how to use this machine.--- It doesn’t matter. Here is the _________.

A. instruction    B. direction    C. information    D. advertisement

16. ---Why didn’t you take a taxi back last night? --- Because I didn’t have any ________ with me.

A. food    B. bicycle    C. friend   D. money

17. Look at the flowers! They are in different ______: red, yellow, pink…

A. colors   B. sizes    C. prices   D. names

18. The teacher said we need to choose three ______ for the school concert.

A. farmers    B. doctors    C. drivers   D. singers

19. Lao She is the ______ of Teahouse.

A. doctor     B. actor    C. scientist    D. writer

20. Heilongjiang is in the ______ of China.

A. northeast    B. northeastern    C. northwest    D. northwestern

21. Jenny’s shoes were worn out. She wanted to buy a new _______.

A. shoe    B. shoes    C. one    D. pair

22. They have much colored _________. Let’s go and ask for some.

A. rulers   B. paper    C. eraser    D. sharpeners

23. Tom regards Tianjin as his second ______ because he has been here for over ten years.

A. family    B. house    C. room    D. home


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