




1.—Is there a watermelon on the table?


A.Yes,there is. B.Yes,it is.

C.No,there is. D.No,it isn't.

2.—This problem is far __A__ me.I'm afraid I can't work it out.

—Don't worry,we will help you.

A.beyond B.beside C.behind D.between

3.It is necessary __D__ us to help our friends out when they meet difficulties.

A.to B.of C.with D.for

4.__C__ bad weather it is!We can't go out for a walk.

A.What a B.How a C.What D.How

5.Vivi told me that __C__ students in her class joined the league yesterday.

A.another one B.more three

C.three more D.three another

6.He ran to the bus stop quickly __A__ catch the last bus.

A.in order to B.so that

C.as soon as D.in order that

7.—What would you like to drink?

—I'm very thirsty.__C__ you can get.Just get it now.

A.Something B.Nothing

C.Anything D.Other things

8.—It's __C__ outside.

—Yeah!Let's go out and make a snowman.

A.cloudy B.rainy C.snowy D.windy

9.You don't need to pay for them because they're__A__today.

A.free B.true C.busy D.clean

10.—Boys and girls!Please __B__ your compositions after class.

—Oh,my God!I ________ it at home.

A.hand in,forgot B.hand in,left

C.hand out,forgot D.hand out,left


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