I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
1. A. candy B. model C. medal
2. A. face B. race C. cake
3. A. 6:25 B. 6:45 C. 6:05
4. A. call B. ball C. wall
5. A. more popular B. popular C. less popular
6. A. China. B. Hockey. C. Singing.
7. A. London. B. Beijing. C. Sydney.
8. A. One hour. B. In school. C. Last night.
9. A. Yes, I think so. B. No, it doesn’t. C. I don’t know him.
10. A. Thr ee times a week. B. 56 seconds. C. On Sunday.
11. A. The high jump. B. The long jump. C. The running.
12. A. Basketball. B. Ping-pong. C. Football.
13. A. Swimming. B. Running. C. Football.
14. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. Not mentioned(提及).
15. A. Swimming. B. Skiing. C. Running.
Information Sheet
16. This afternoon we will have a walking tour of the .
17. On Monday afternoon we will go to the sports center to play ,tennis or go swimming.
18. On afternoon we will go to the film club.
19. On Saturday we will go to Mount Tai at in the morning.
20. If you would like to do something, will help you.
21. Of all the subjects, Chinese is for me.
A. interesting B. more interesting
C. the most interesting D. much more interesting
22. It’s one of the things in the world to stay with friends. It always makes us relaxed.
A. worse B. happiest C. busiest D. hardest
23. I think physics is than math.
A. difficult B. more difficult C. the most difficult D. much difficult
24. The number of the trees in our school is than .
A. much larger; that of No. 8 Middle School B. more larger; that of No. 8 Middle School
C. much greater; No. 8 Middle School D. more large; No. 8 Middle School
25. Bob is the suitable person to do the job because he can do the work well with
money and people.
A. less; fewer B. less; more C. more; fewer D. more;less
26. Mary called her husband home at once, because she lost her keys.
A. to leave B. leave C. go D. to go
27. Sometimes, parents find it difficult with their children.
A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk
28. To keep healthy, we should every day.
A. take a shower B. take pride in C. take a look D. take exercise
29. Mr. Smith thinks running is than swimming.
A. very popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular
30. — If I work hard at my study from now on,can I do well in it?
—Sure. .
A. All rivers run into sea B. Every day is not Sunday
C. Better late than never D. Practice make s perfect
31. —What does your father do?
— .
A. He is in a factory B. He’s an artist C. He’s drawing D. He’s 12
32. We don’t know .
A. where she is from B. how old is she
C. when was she born D. where comes she from
33. —I don’t know .
—Because his mother is ill.
A. why he is leaving B. why is he leaving
C. whether he is leaving D. whether is he leaving
34. —Could you tell me ?
—Look! He is playing games over there.
A. where Scot is B. what is Scot doing C. how Scot did it D. why Scot is doing it
35. We are planning to have a party her birthday.
A. at B. in C. for D. with
36. It is said Great Wall is longest wall in the world.
A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a; the
37. He is good basketball player in the NBA.
A. / B. a C. an D. the
38. —Would you like to go out to walk with me?
— , but I should finish my work first.
A. It’s hard to say B. You’re welcome C. I’d love to D. You’re right
39. If you can’t find the station, I will show you .
A. what it is B. what it was C. where it is D. where it was
40. Can you tell me ?
A. how much is the book B. how much the book is
C. what’s the price of the book D. how many the book is
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