


威廉希尔app 中考频道一路陪伴考生经过大小备考,其中有开心也有失落。在此,小编又为朋友编辑了“四川2014南充中考英语计量表达法”,希望朋友们可以用得着!

1.延续性动词:how long,since,for,until / till等所在肯定句中的主句谓语要用延续性动词(以下划线部分): We have been in Zhengzhou for ten years。

How long may I keep this novel? I’ve lived here since 2002.

Let’s wait until he comes back.. 但否定句中可用短暂性动词,如下面的see与leave:

I haven’t seen you for a long time. They won’t leave until it stops raining。


lose →be lost. start / begin to do→do go off→be off

start, begin→be on turn on→be on move to→live in

end→be over get, buy→have, own borrow→keep

die→be dead go out→be out fall asleep→be asleep

get / become + adj →be + adj. open(动词,“打开”) →be open(形容词,表状态)

arrive in, get to, reach→be in, stay in leave, go away (from)→be away (from)


The dog died five hours ago. →The dog has been dead for five hours。

I lost my dictionary two weeks ago. →My dictionary has been lost since two weeks ago。

He began to teach English last year. →.He has taught English for one year。

Lucy arrived in Beijing the day before yesterday. →Lucy has been in Beijing for two days。

I bought this bike six months ago. →I have owned this book since six months ago。

My friend borrowed the book last month. →My friend has kept the book for a month。

He left Beijing in 1990. →He has been away from Beijing since 1990.

(注意以上的“for + 时间段”与“since + 时间段 + ago”或“since + 时间点”可互换)

2.all / each / both / none / either / neither不定代词或形容词的用法:

1All boys / All of the boys are from China. (all 若接可数复数, 谓语也用复数。)

All of the water is polluted. (若接不可数,谓语用单数。)

2Each boy / Each of the boys has a different bag。

each接名词单数或接of + 限定词+复数,其后谓语都用单数。

3Both of the twins are clever. 后面谓语用复数。

4None of the students has / have been there before。

none +of +限定词+复数, 谓语用单、复数都可。另见88.

5-When shall we meet, Saturday or Sunday?

-Either day is OK. / Either of the days is OK. 谓语用单数。

6-When shall we meet, Saturday or Sunday?

-Sorry, I have to look after my mother these two days. That is, neither time is OK. / neither of the days is OK. 谓语用单数。

【 all / each / none分别指三者或更多中的“都” / “每一个”/“没有一个”。

both / either / neither分别指两者中“都”/“任何一个”/“没有一个” 】

3.计量表达法:数量+单位+形容词。 The street is two kilometers long。

That boy can jump four meters away。(此处不用far, 见49) The fish is five kilos heavy。

The street is forty meters wide. This baby is only six months old。


They dug an eight-meter-deep hole. /. I bought a 10-kilo-heavy fish。

It’s a piece of 2-meter-thick ice. / They built a 50-meter-wide street。


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