从方框中选择最佳选项 完成对话,有两项多余。
A:Hello,Mik e! What's the time?
B:1. ____________________________ __
A:Where’s Bob? I can't find him.
B:I don't think he can come.
A:2. ______________________________
B:He has to look after his sister.
A:3. ______________________________
B:She doesn't feel well.
A:4. ______________________________Did she go to see the doctor?
A:5. ______________________________
B:The doctor said nothing serious,but she has to rest.
A. Why can’t he come?
B. I’m sorry to hear that.
C. Where did t he doctor go?
D. It’s half past eight.
E. What did the doctor say?
F. I’m glad to hear that.
G. What’s wrong with his sister?
( B)
Birthday: February 26, 1982
Birthplace: Wuhan, Hubei
Height: 172cm
Weight: 65kg
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