1. — What does he look like (像)? —He is of medium height.
2. I am very ____________ (饿). I want to buy some food to eat.
3. — How’s the weather today? — It’s (晴朗的).
4. Mum often (告诉) us to wash hands before each meal.
5. My pen pal is in London. He speaks _____________ (英语).
6. Shanghai is a b city.
7. He is a l__________________ dog.
8.—What would you do if you had a million dollars?—I’d give it to medical r .
9. English is very i___________________ and many people enjoy learning it.
10. The people in the village are m richer than before.
1. I hope you’re feeling (更好)soon.
2. He has a good idea to (解决) the problem.
3. — What size bowl of (面条) would you like? — I’d like a large one.
4. There’s a bank near the post office. We can (节约)our money there.
5. Would you mind (关) down the radio? The boy is doing his homework.
6. China is a c with a long history.
7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems e now.
8. They are f to each other.
9. His uncle is a d . He works in a hospital in Beijing
10. Mr Wang’s o is on the fourth floor.
1. It’s impolite to ______________ (指向)at others with chopsticks at table.
2. This is an _____________ (空的)box. Could I have a full one, please?
3. It’s (冷)outside. Please put on your coat.
4. Would you mind not making a loud ___________ (噪音)here? Your father is sleeping.
5. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer _____________(错误).
6. Don’t w any water. We should save it.
7. “ S is the first” he said to all the workers.
8. There is a beautiful g in front of the tall building.
9. He is neither blind nor d . He can see and hear anything well.
10. We should learn to r the bad things.
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