






1.It's necessary for us to learn English well.

2.Who helped you repair the car?

3.British Museum is one of the most_popular museums in London.

4.The teacher punished the noisy children by making them stay after school yesterday.

5.I can't find my missing cat.Could you help me,Tom?


Dear Annie,

Everyone thinks I am so lucky to have parents who are always 6.spending(度过) their time with me.I don't feel that way,though.Mum and dad have made many 7.rules(规则) at home.For example,they don't allow me to have fun with friends on weekends.8.Instead(代替),I have to stay at home,busy with endless 9.homework(家庭作业).They are watching over me all the time.I want to 10.join(加入) the after­class activities I'm interested in,and not the ones they think are 11.useful(有用的),but I have to obey them.Can you tell me what I should do?


Dear Tom,

Thank you for your message.It 12.seems(似乎) that your parents want to protect you,though you may feel uncomfortable sometimes.Why don't you have an 13.honest(诚实的) chat with them?Show your parents that you are old enough to take 14.care(照料) of yourself and make your own decision.Express your feelings to them.Then,work 15.together(一起) to reach an agreement.Be patient,and I'm sure things will be better from now on.




Betty and I share birthdays on the __16__ day,so we plan our birthday party together.

While we were planning,my mom came and asked:“Don't forget __17__(invite) John.” John came to our class this term,but he is getting better grades in math than anyone else.“Mom,he wears the same __18__ to school every day.He won't have money for a suit.” Mom said nothing.

Later,Mom gave me a shopping card and said,“Why __19__ give this to John?” But how?We didn't want to make John embarrassed(尴尬的).We discussed it for a long time.Finally,Betty and I had a good idea.

__20__ the day of our party,John arrived,still in the same pants as usual.Before __21__ (eat) the birthday cake,Betty said in a loud __22__,“Now it's time for the great prize game.” It was a math game.

__23__(no) of us were surprised when John came __24__ with the right answer first and got the shopping card.

Everything went __25__ (good) as we planned.John wore a new pair of pants the next week.He felt happy.So did we.

16.same 17.to_invite 18.pants 19.not

20.On 21.eating 22.voice 23.None

24.up 25.well



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