()1.I am a student. ________ name is Tom.
A. MyB. YourC. His D. Her
()2.We usually have a football match ________ Sunday.
A. in B. onC. at D. to
()3.—There ________ a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?
—Just a little, please.
A. isB. are C. am D. be
()4.Of all the students, Linda draws ________ carefully .
A. very B. much C. moreD. most
()5.—What is Mum doing now?
—She ________ some clothes.
A. washes B. is washing C. washedD. has washed
()6.There isn't ________ water in the glass. Let's go and get some.
A. many B. lotsC. any D. some
()7.Tomorrow's meeting is very important. Please ask them ________ there on time.
A. go B. going C. to goD. went
()8.—Why are you walking to school?
—Because my ________ is broken.
A. radio B. watch C. bikeD. bag
()9.Betty didn't come to school yesterday ________ she was ill.
A. butB. thanC. if D. because
()10.Do you enjoy ________ English in our class, Mr. Green?
A. teachB. taught C. to teachD. teaching
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