


摘要:为了帮助同学们复习学过的知识,威廉希尔app 小编编辑整理了咸阳中考英语模拟试题,希望大家认真做好复习!



1.A.She works in a factory.

B.He is a driver.

C.She is a teacher.

2.A.Good idea!

B.Yes, I think so.

C.Don’t worry.

3.A.Sorry,she isn’t here at the moment.

B.I’ll give her a message.


4.A.Jim Green.

B.Allan Green.

C.Jim Allan.

5.A.Sunday.           B.Monday.           C.Tuesday.


6.A.They are in the same school.

B.They work in a middle school.

C.They don’t go to the same school.

7.A.We had a good time.

B.We had a swim.

C.We didn’t like him very much.

8.A.Chinese is important.

B.Maths is as important as Chinese.

C.Chinese is more important than maths.

9.A.Mr.White is busy on Saturday.

B.Mr.White is busy on Saturday and Sunday.

C.Mr.White is busy on weekdays.

10.A.She didn’t like travelling by plane.

B.She hated travelling by train.

C.She hated travelling by water.


11.A.They are from the USA.

B.They come from England.

C.They are from Australia.

12.A.At 3:15.           B.At 3:00.          C.At 2:45.

13.A.He was born on July 30,1918.

B.He was born on July 13,1918.

C.He was born on July 13,1986.

14.A.He will visit his friends.

B.He will watch a match.

C.He will see a film.

15.A.Spring.           B.Summer.          C.Autumn.

16.A.She wants to go to the party tomorrow.

B.Mary has time to go to the party.

C.She has been to the party.

17.A.Potatoes.           B.Eggs.           C.Noodles.

18.A.Doreen.           B.King.           C.King’s father.

19.A.Go to school.

B.Go to watch games.

C.Go to the cinema.

20.A.She is a doll.            B.She does nothing.

C.She is a student.




21.What you have said sounds really cool.

A.very cold         B.not warm

C.wonderful             D.too bad

22.Thirty more trees will be planted around the lake.

A.Thirty different             B.Another thirty

C.As many as thirty             D.More than thirty

23.He sat next to me and helped me a lot.

A.beside              B.behind

C.between              D.not far

24.I wonder whether Mike has received my letters.

A.want to know       B.don’t want to know

C.don’t understand       D.have known

25.My sister prefers chicken to duck.

A.likes;better than

B.doesn’t like;so much

C.likes;than other

D.likes;as much as


26.—How far is it from your home to your school?

—It’s a quarter’s walk________.

A.here and there            B.now and then

C.up and down             D.more or less

27.Can you show me________an e-mail?

A.send              B.how to send

C.what to send             D.to send

28.I have never seen________exciting match before.

A.such a              B.so a

C.such an               D.so an

29.________Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympics.

A.Thousand            B.Thousands

C.Thousand of            D.Thousands of

30.—I’ll give you some nice picture books.

—Good.The ________,the________.

A.more;better            B.many;better

C.most;best            D.much;better

31.The man on the motorbike________see the stone________he hit it.

A.doesn’t;before           B.doesn’t;until

C.didn’t;until            D.didn’t;after

32.Hubei is________the north of Hunan.

A.in          B.on       C.to        D.at

33.—This dress was last year’s style(款式).

—I think it still looks perfect________it has gone out this year.

A.so that              B.even though

C.as if               D.ever since

34.A new bridge________in the village last month.

A.is built              B.can be built

C.will be built             D.was built

35.The book________you bought me last year has been found.

A.what              B.who

C.which              D.where



One day there was an argument(争论)between the wind and the sun.“I’m much 36 than you,”said the wind.“No.I don’t agree with you!”said the sun.While they were arguing,they saw a man 37 along the road.He is wearing a heavy coat.The sun said to the wind,!Now let 38 see who can make the man take off his coat.Then we will know who is stronger.”

First the wind tried.It began to blow very hard.It blew 39 hard that the man pulled his coat around him.The wind was 40 with the man.Then it said to the sun.“Now,it’s your 41 .”The sun started to 42 on the man .Soon it got very hot!The man took off his coat.The argument was over.

36.A.strong             B.strongly

C.stronger             D.strongest

37.A.walking             B.walked

C.to walk              D.walks

38.A.we              B.our

C.us               D.ours

39.A.not              B.so

C.never              D.much

40.A.angry             B.sad

C.happy              D.worried

41.A.way              B.hope

C.end              D.turn

42.A.shines             B.shine

C.shining              D.shined


Do you know the Olympic Games?

The Olympic Games are held every four years.Many players 43 all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.The old Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC(公元前) in Greece(希腊)and the modern games came from the 44 ones.Many of the sports were the same as they are now,but women were not allowed to take part in the games.

The Olympic Games stopped for a long time.But they were not 45 by people.The first Olympic Games in modern times happened in 1896.They were held in Greece—the games were born in this 46.In the 1896 games,there were 311 players from just 13 countries.After that, 47 countries took part in the games.In the 27th Sydney Summer Olympic Games in 2000,the Chinese team got 28 gold medals.

One of the great competitions 48 not for a medal.It’s the competition among countries to hold the Olympic Games. 49 the Olympic Games is a great prize for a country.In 2008,Beijing will hold the 29th Summer Olympic Games.We are all 50 our great country.

43.A.from             B.in

C.at               D.to

44.A.new              B.old

C.good              D.nice

45.A.forgetting            B.forgot

C.forgotten             D.forget

46.A.town             B.city

C.village              D.country

47.A.less than             B.more or less

C.more than             D.more and more

48.A.are              B.is

C.were              D.was

49.A.To hold             B.Hold

C.Holds              D.Held

50.A.proud about            B.prize for

C.proud of             D.prize of


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