


摘要:中考如何复习是同学们现在所担心的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家分享2011咸阳英语中考模拟试题,希望同学们能做好练习,巩固复习学过的知识,能帮助大家提高成绩!

)21.Graduating from middle school might not be as big       event as graduating from high school or college, but it’s still a great thing. It’s time to take on new responsibilities(责任), learn new subjects, get to know new teachers and new friends.

A.a                        B.an                    C.the

(   )22.Shanghai universities are taking turns to deploy(输送)student volunteers to the Expo. Some schools, like Fudan University, are giving their students      off from classes to volunteer.

A. two weeks’                 B. two-week              C. two weeks

(   )23.—Have you seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow?

—Yes.In the movie, the world becomes an ocean because of global warming. So we need a low-carbon lifestyle (低炭生活).If we don’t stop the temperature from rising,      real disasters.

A. it will be                   B. there are               C. there will be

(   )24. —If he or she only works a little and waits for the chances and help to come, he or she will never be      .

—Confidence, hard work and teamwork are important to succeed.

A. important                   B. famous                C. successful

(   )25.The teacher said light from the sun     only about 8.3 minutes to cross the 150 million kilometers between the sun and earth.

A. takes                       B. took                 C. taking

(   )26.----_______your mobile phone is! Is it the  iPhone  3G?

---- Yes.3G makes us ______ others more conveniently.

A. What cool ,keep away from      B. How cool ,keep in touch with   C. How cool ,keep up with

(   )27. —There’s nothing more important in life than the sun.

—It’s a star. In the sky there are    stars like the sun. They are as     as the sun and as hot as the sun.

A. thousand of, larger             B. thousands of, large        C. a thousand, large

(   )28. —I gave my English teacher a New Year’s card,     she enjoyed very much.

—Oh, if I’m free, I’ll go to see my English teacher      is living in a small city.

A. which, who                  B. that, that               C. which, whom

(   )29. —Although we can’t stop earthquakes from happening, technology(技术) can help us get ready for these natural events.

—      information we can gather,       we can protect ourselves from earth quakes when they do happen.

A. The better, the more        B. The best, the more      C. The more, the better

(   )30. —Father’s Day is coming , what are you going to give your father?

—I’m not sure. But I’ll buy him        .

A. anything special           B. special something        C. something special

(   )31. —I have never been to the Great Wall.  ―         .

A. So have I          B. Neither do I          C. Neither have I

(   )32. --- What do you think of the new film?

--- I think it’s _______ , but someone thinks it’s much too ________.

A. wonderful enough; bored  B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring

(   )33. In honor of the Earth Day, No 1 Middle School held a knowledge competition about the environment. Here is one topic “Which actions are good for our environment?” If you are tested, you should choose        .

○1Pour waste water into the rivers.

○2Pick up some garbage and throw it into a dustbin.

○3Collect newspapers or bottles for recycling.

○4Keep the lights on when we are not using them.

○5Use cloth bags instead of plastic ones when shopping.

A. 134             B.234           C.235

(   )34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart about after-class activities they like?

A.The mumber of the boys who choose dance

is the same as that of girls who choose basketball.

B.The percentage(百分比)of the students who choose

soccer (the sign X%)should be 10% in the chart above.

C.The boys who choose movie are far more than the

girls who also choose movie

(   )35.Which word of the following has a different stress from the


A.Grateful    B.Refuse      C.Reply


A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clear plastic bag and a large bag of potatoes to school. __36__every person ___37____ the students refused to ___38___ in their life, they chose a potato, wrote the name of that person on it and the date, and then put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were quite heavy.

They were then told to carry these bags with them everywhere for one week, __39____ them beside their beds at night, on their car seats when driving, and next to their  desks___40___work. During this time, as they carried the bags ___41__with them, they realized what a weight they were carrying, and how they needed to pay attention all the time, ___42___ not to forget them or leave them in ____43_ places. Of course, the potatoes were becoming ___44__ and smelled very bad.

This is the same as the price we pay for keeping our pain and ____45___with us! Forgiving other persons is not only a gift to them, but also a very good gift to ourselves.

(   )36. A. For            B.To             C. Of

(   )37.A. what           B. that            C. which

(   )38.A. forgive         B.love            C.hate

(   )39.A.put             B. to put          C. putting

(   )40.A. of              B. at             C.on

(   )41.A.around          B. above          C. along

(   )42.A. so as           B. so that          C. so

(   )43.A. embarrassed    B. embarrassment  C. embarrassing

(   )44.rot               B. rotted          C. to rot

(   )45. happiness         B. unhappiness    C. unhappy



Have you ever heard anything about earthquakes from your parents? Every year earthquakes are responsible for (对……负责) a large number of deaths and a great deal of destruction in different parts of the world. There are about a million earthquakes a year. Luckily, however, not all of them are destructive. The biggest earthquake recorded to date is 8.9. A terrible earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976. All the houses and buildings fell down. About 242 000 people lost their lives in the earthquake. Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates. When some plates of the earth move suddenly, an earthquake happens. Many earthquakes begin under the sea. Earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth. They often happen near the mountains.

During an earthquake the shakings, make rocks rise suddenly and even crack(断裂) open. Houses fall, people are killed or hurt and sometimes the whole villages or cities are destroyed. Can we do anything to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes? Scientists have studied earthquakes and made maps that show the “earthquake belts”. In areas in these belts, it’s possible for earthquakes to happen. In these areas we should build strong houses to tight against earthquakes. In the future, scientists will be able to tell when and where an earthquake will be before they happen. They can also tell people what to B. The Earthquakes.

C. How to Protect Ourselves During the Earthquake.


( )46. A large number of earthquakes often happen        .

A. on land   B. at night   C. next to mountains

( )47. The reason for an earthquake is        .

A. the result of rock plate sudden movement

B. that there are so many plates on the earth

C. that the sea is too deep

( )48. Which is the meaning of the word “destruction”?

A. 破坏    B. 大量    C. 结构


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