



Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

26、When I was young I always read books at night,which of the following is correct?what are this word in the sentence?

A.[ri:d] B.[red] C.[raɪd] D.[rα:d]

27.Which of the following online parts is different in pronunciation from others.

A.he acts as a killer in the film. B,when did you arrive at the airport?

C.can you help me fix the chair. D.what did you think of the final exam.

28.Man with________black glasses is my host father in Britain.

A,An B,A. C.the D./

29.In our class English class,the English teacher asked us to stand up and introduce________

A.we B.us C.our D.ourselves

30.Helen was too angry to say________

A.nothing B.something C.anything D. Everything

31.We will have a________holiday,let's go to the beach,shall we?

A.three-day B.three days C.three-days D.three-day's

32.An email address consists________letters and dots and the symbol“@”.

A.in B.of C.for D.with

33.We felt very________after we watch the________football match is in FIFA.

A.Exciting,excited B.Exciting,exciting C.Excited,exciting D.Excited,excited

34.A lot of people will help you,so you________worry about money.

A.can't B.needn't C.Mustn't D.Couldn't

35.It's________to send an email than a regular mail.

A.more quickly. B.much quickly. C.much quicker. D.quick.

36. A:Why do the Chinese people like red?

B:Because,they think it can________them good luck.

A.carry. B.bring. C.take. D.fetch

37.I'm glad you come back from the United States.please tell me how long you________there?

A.have stayed. B.had stayed. C.have been staying. D.stayed

38.Some questions________at their class meeting last week.

A.raised. B.rose. C.were risen. D.were raised



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