


为了能帮助广大学生朋友们提高成绩和思维能力,威廉希尔app 初中频道特地为大家整理了中考英语考前检测试题,希望能够切实的帮到大家,同时祝大家学业进步!


Ⅰ. 听力(10分)



6. How long has David been watching TV?

A. About 2 hours. B. About 3 hours.

C. About 4 hours.

7. What will David do right away?

A. Turn on the TV. B. Turn down the TV.

C. Turn off the TV.

8. What can David do for his Mom?

A. Get some milk for his sister. B. Babysit his sister.

C. Go shopping.

9. Could he listen to music with his sister?

A. Yes, he could. B. No, he can’t.

C. Sorry, he couldn’t.

10. How soon will his mother come back?

A. In 10 minutes. B. In 20 minutes.

C. In 15 minutes.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. Could you please _______ the window?

A. not open B. not to open

C. not opening D. not opens

2. (2012•衡阳中考)—Would you mind if I sit here?

—_______. It’s for Miss Smith.

A. Better not B. Never mind C. Of course

3. I can’t hear clearly. Can you _______ the radio a little?

A. turn up B. turn on

C. turn down D. turn off

4. I _______ hen someone cuts in line.

A. annoy B. get annoying

C. get annoyed D. am annoying

5. My pet _______ meat. Could you _______ it for me?

A. live on; feed B. feed on; feed

C. fed on; feed D. feed on; fed

Ⅲ. 完形填空(20分)

How do people greet one another in countries around the world? A kiss, a hug (拥抱) , a handshake, or a bow? It depends on the country and culture. In the USA, as in most places around the world, the handshake is a 1 greeting to show friendliness and trust.

In many places in 2 , people prefer kiss to greeting, and 3 of them have very strict rules about how many times may kiss someone’s cheeks (脸颊) and on 4 cheek to start. Parisians kiss four times from cheek to cheek, always with the left cheek first. If you are in Brittany, a city in the northwest of France, kiss three times; and in 5 parts of France, keep it to two. Two kisses is 6 the rule in Spain, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. In the Netherlands, people usually kiss three times; more kisses are for the elderly and close family members. 7 is also a factor (因素) for Belgians, who kiss once for people as old as themselves, and three times for people ten years older.

8 , handshake and kissing are not the only ways to say hello around the world. In Japan, people usually 9 to greet each other. The different greetings around the world 10 make you confused. But don’t worry. When you are not sure, remember that a firm (坚定的) but gentle handshake, a smile, and an open mind won’t be wrong.

1. A. special B. common C. unusual D. wonderful

2. A. Europe B. Asia C. America D. Australia

3. A. none B. few C. some D. most

4. A. what B. that C. whose D. which

5. A. other B. another C. others D. the other

6. A. always B. also C. again D. already

7. A. Age B. Health C. Sex D. Nationality

8. A. More importantly B. At last

C. For example D. Of course

9. A. bow B. shake hands C. kiss D. hug

10. A. may B. need C. shouldn’t D. can’t


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