


摘要:复习与学习一样都需要讲究方式方法,威廉希尔app 小编整理了南通中考英语知识点,来帮助同学们备战中考,在中考中发挥正常的水平!




( ) About _____ students went to the picture show that day.

A) hundreds of B) two hundreds C) two hundred of D) two hundred

“about”意为“大约”,是指具体数量,因此,不能用表示不定数量的词语“hundreds of”(意为“成百个”)。在表示确定数量时,英语中的“hundred”不加“s”,即不变复数。再由于“students”前没有定冠词“the”,不是“其中”之意,因此,也不能加介词“of”。 所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) _____ of _____ Class Four students have joined the singing group.

A) Three-fifths, the B) Three-fifth, the C) Three-fifths, / D) Three-fifth, /

英语中,“几分之几”的表达方式是分子用基数词、分母用序数词,中间用短横“–”连接。当分子大于“一”时,分母序数词要加“s”。再由于本题句中数量用的是“of”词组,即意为“其中的五分之三”,因此后面的名词“students”必定是“确指”的,要加定冠词“the”。 所以本题答案应该选“A”。在这里要特别注意的是:不要看到“students”前有修饰词“Class Four”就不敢加定冠词“the”,要懂得这里的“the”是修饰“students”的。同样,“the English language”词语的表达形式也类似于此种情况。


Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):

( ) 1.John has twelve coins and Joan has _____ ones, three times as many as John.

A) thirteen B) fifteen C) thirty-six D) forty-eight

( ) 2.The post code used in our neighbourhood is _____.

A) 56348574 B) 200333 C) a quarter D) a dozen

( ) 3.Today is her brother’s birthday. _____ is on _____.

A) She, fifth of May B) She, May fifth C) Hers, May fifth D) Hers, May the fifth

( ) 4. _____ of the students go to school by bike.

A) Two-three B) Two-thirds C) Two-threes D) Two-third

( ) 5.There are about _____ seats in the hall.

A) two hundreds B) two hundred C) hundreds of D) two hundred of

( ) 6. A: How often should we publish the paper? B: _____.

A) In one week’s time B) Once a month C) After two weeks D) For half a month

( ) 7. About _____ the students went to the Science Museum last Thursday.

A) hundreds of B) two hundred C) two hundred of D) two hundreds




( ) Mr. Brown flew to Washington _____ the night before last.

A) in B) on C) at D) /

在表达某一天的具体时间时,应该用介词“on”。但是本句是表达“在前天的夜里”,与“在前天”(the day before yesterday)相仿,前面不该用任何介词,所以本题答案应该选“D”。

( ) The school gate is ______ the north of the classroom building.

A) in B) to C) on D) at

在英语中,表达“东、南、西、北”的方位介词常见有三个:表示在方位区域的内部时,用介词“in”。如:The playground is in the south of the school.(操场在学校的南面。)表示在与方位区域连壤的外部时,应该用介词“on”。如:Room 203 is on the west of Room 205.(203室在205室的西面。)表示在与方位区域不连壤的外部时,应该用介词“to”。如:Shanghai is to the east of Nanjing.(上海在南京的东面。)本题的“校门”在“教学大楼”的北面,应该用介词“to”,所以答案应该选“B”。

( ) You’ll get one thousand dollars _____.

A) after all B) at all C) in all D) all together

“after all”意为“到底”、“毕竟”、“终于”;“at all”通常与“not”连用,意为“完全不”、“一点也不”;“in all”通常用于数量词后面,意为“总共”,同义词是“altogether”。所以本题答案应该选“C”。

( ) This bus can run _____ 70 miles an hour.

A) for B) with C) at D) in



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