B) 对话理解根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。
第一节听第6至第10段小对话,回答第6 至第10小题。
6. W: This is a photo of my family. The man in red is my uncle.
M: Oh, Mary! He looks so young.
7. W: Let’s see the tigers first. They’re my favorite animals.
M: That sounds good.
8. W:I have a toothache. What should I do ?
M:You should see a dentist.
9. W: What does Wang Han look like ?
M: He is of medium build .
10.W:What kind of TV shows do we plan to watch tonight?
M: Maybe talk shows.
听下面一段对话,回答第11、12 小题。
W: What did you do last night, Lin Tao? (女先)
M: I stayed at home and read a newspaper.
W: It seemed boring. But you still look happy and excited .Was there anything special in the newspaper?
M: Yes, there was. Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize. I take pride in her.
W: That’s really cool.
M: Hello,This is John speaking, Who’s that?(男先)
W: Hi, John. This is Li Mei. I miss you so much. What’s the weather like in New York?
M: It’s cloudy . I miss my friends in Yueyang, too.
W: Have you ever heard of the Mid –Autumn Festival? It’s one of the most important festivals in China.
M: Not really. What do you do on that day?
W: We eat mooncakes and admire the full moon. Can you come and celebrate the festival with us this year?
M: Sure, I’ll go with my parents . I’m looking forward to the wonderful day. Thanks for your invitation.
W: You’re welcome.
How to keep safe
For teenagers, we should always keep ourselves safe. How can we keep safe? Here’s some advice to help you. Firstly, we must pay attention to the importance of food safety. When we buy food in the supermarket, we should choose clean and fresh food. We’d better eat less junk food. Secondly,let’s have an understanding of traffic safety.We have to follow the traffic rules. Look both sides before crossing the road. When you take the bus, don’t put your head out of the window .Finally, don’t talk to strangers in public places or on the Internet. If you go with a stranger, perhaps you will be in danger. Besides, you mustn’t swim in a pool or a river without adults. Remember to wear a life jacket while you are swimming. It’s very important for us to keep safe.
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