


E)阅读填空 根据短文内容, 在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词, 使短文完整、通顺。

In China, two-child policy(政策)has come out. That’s to say, China now allows two children for each family. However, different people have 61._______opinions about it.

Some parents are willing to have a second child as soon as possible. They think the second baby is a gift for themselves. One child will feel lonely 62._______his parents go out for work. Two kids will help 63.________other and share the happiness and sadness together. In Chinese tradition, the old people wouldn’t like to spend their later life in the old people’s home. After the second baby 64._______ up, he will be able to share the pressure of looking 65._______his old parents. China has become a country with an increasing number of old people. Two-child policy will improve the balanced (平衡的)development of population.

However, other parents refuse the second kid because they have some worries. For 66._____, they can’t 67._______the cost(费用)of education. They also worry that their two kids won’t get 68.______well with one another. Maybe the young people can’t find jobs easily in the future. For our country, perhaps the policy will lead to the house and population 69._______.

In a word, more and more families will have a second child. Do you mind70.______ a brother or a sister?

IV. 写作技能 (共两部分,6小题。71~75小题,每小题2分;76小题20分;共30分)

A)翻译语篇 阅读下面的短文,将文中的画线部分译成汉语或英语。

With the development of technology, smartphones are widely used among people.71. We can find many people playing mobile phones in the buses, restaurants and supermarkets. We call these people Phubbers(低头族).

Many teenagers spend too much time playing games, listening to music and sending messages to their friends on the phones. 72.他们没有足够的时间来学习. Some teachers complain that their students get worse grades than before.

73. Playing mobile phones too much is not only bad for their study but also their health. The more they play mobile phones, the more tired they will feel. Some students have to wear glasses, because they play smartphones too much. 74. So some teachers don’t allow the students to use mobile phones at school.

We often see many phubbers using their mobile phones on the streets. It’s really dangerous.

75. 为什么不远离你的手机呢?You should study hard and take part in more outdoor activities instead of playing mobile phones in your free time.

B) 作文

76. 近年来,习近平主席提出了实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”。学校开展了“梦想少年”的主题演讲活动,假如你是张明,请根据以下提供的要点,以“I,m a Dream Teenager”为题,写一篇80~100字的英语演讲稿,向大家推介自己。(可联系实际,适当发挥)


1. be good at 2. help… with

3. follow… rules 4. cheer up

5. be popular with… 6. volunteer to do something



I’m a Dream Teenager

Good morning, dear teachers and friends, I am Zhang Ming. It’s a great honor for me to make a speech here


I. 听力技能(共三部分,20小题,每小题1分;共20分,每段材料读两遍)

A) 图片理解从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的对话内容相同或相近的图画。

1. M:Where’s my English book,mom?

W: It’s on the desk.

2. W: Excuse me , how can I get to Jin’e park?

M: You can ride a bike.

3. W:Can I help you ?

M:Yes, please. I need a pair of shoes.

4. W:What are you doing now?

M:I’m talking on the phone.

5. W:How do you study English ?

M: I study by making word cards.


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