


51. When and where was Dolly created?

A More than one hundred years ago, in the USA.

B. More than fifty years ago, in Scotland.

C. More than ten years ago, in Scotland.

D. More than fifty years ago, in China.

52. According to the passage, which one hasn’t been cloned by scientist?

A. cows   B. mice       C. rabbits    D. giraffe

53. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A Cloning is an experiment to make an animal that is different from its parent.

B. Your our fingernails don’t have the same DNA as your hair.

C. Your DNA isn’t exactly the same as your parents.

D. Cloning won’t be used in any ways to harm society.

54 The cloning technology____________

A is not famous throughout the world.

B. has been used in human organs .

C. has been used properly.

D. is useless.

55. The best title for passage is ____________

A Dolly         B. Society      C. DNA         D.Cloning


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