Robots have been designed to do many things: play music,work in hospitals, but run a restaurant ? there are two robot receptionists (接待员) and six robots waitresses and waiters in the Dalu Robot Restaurant in Jinan, Shandong. One hundred customers can eat in the restaurant at a time. Two of the robots serve drinks, while the other four serve the food. Not all the work in the restaurant is done by them. There are also people working there, especially in the kitchen. The cooks are humans because the robots don’t have the skills to cook.
46.Robots can play music.
47.Six robots work in the Dalu Robot Restaurant.
48.No people work in the kitchen.
49.Only a few customers can eat in the restaurant at a time.
50.The robots can’t cook delicious food.
Do you know about Dolly, a famous sheep? She was created by cloning more than ten years ago in Scotland. Cloning is famous throughout the world. It is an experiment to make an animal that is exactly like its parent. So far, scientists have cloned rabbits, sheep, cows, mice, pigs and some other animals.
But what is used in cloning? It’s DNA. There is DNA in most living things, including human beings. Your DNA is the same in every part of your body. For example, your fingernails have the same DNA as your hair. You have your own DNA, which is similar to your parents’ , but not exactly the same. However, Dolly’s DNA is exactly the same as that of the sheep she was cloned from.
No doubt cloning can help save those animals in danger. And it can also benefit human beings. The cloning technology has been used in human organs. With its help, scientists are able to explore more ways to treat many serious diseases such as heart disease, AIDs and cancer. However, cloning could be used in some ways to harm society. All governments should make laws to make sure it can be used properly.
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