



第Ⅰ卷(选择题, 共80分)


1.—Mary likes reading books.


A. Jane likes also                          B. So Jane does

C. Also does Jane                           D. So does Jane

2.—Must I do my homework now?


A. No, you needn’t                                B. No, you mustn’t

C. No, you can’t                             D. No, you may not

3.—Would you like to go shopping with me, Kangkang?


A. No, I’d like to        B. No, I can’t         C, Yes, I like

D. Sorry, I’m afraid not , I have to do my homework

4. —_____________

—It’s sunny today.

A. How was the weather yesterday?                   B. How are you doing?

C. What fine weather!                              D. What’s the weather like today?

5. —What is your mother?


A. She is a teacher.                                B. she is a teacher.

C. He is a teacher.                               D. She works in a hospital.

6. —Hello, who’s that speaking?


A. That is Jane.                                   B. This is Kangkang speaking.

C. I’m Mike..                                     D. She is Maria.

7. —Happy birthday, Judy!


A. Don’t say that.                                  B. Thank you very much.

C. The same to you.                                D. I don’t think so.

8. —How are you doing ,Jim ?

—_____________ .

A.I am walking.                            B. Not bad ,thank you.

C. I am going by bike.                     D. How are you ?

9. —Don’t be late again, Liu Fang .

—_____________ .

A. No ,I will                                B. Yes, I won’t

C. Sorry ,I won’t                           D. Yes , I will

10. —Would you mind if I open the window?

—______________, I got a cold.

A. You’d better not.                                B. Never mind.

C. Of course not.                                  D. All right.


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