1._________ 2. _________ 3. ________ 4. _________ 5. ________
( ) 6.What’s the matter with the woman?
A. She has a cough. B. She has a fever. C. She has a headache.
( )7.How will she go to the doctor’s?
A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike.
( )8. What time must she get there?
A. at 8:45 B. at 9:00 C. at 9:15
( )9. Why didn’t Julia want to stay at Rock Club?
A. Because she didn’t like the songs.
B. Because the loud music made her crazy.
C. Because the loud music is boring.
( )10. The man likes loud music, doesn’t he ?
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. No, he does.
( )11. What other things did Julia and Nancy do ?
A. They went to the restaurant and the concert.
B. They went to the bookshop and saw a film.
C. They went to the restaurant and saw a film.
( ) 12. Ann’s birthday is _____.
A. next Sunday B. next Saturday C. this Saturday
( ) 13. The birthday party will start at ________.
A. four o’clock B. half past three C. half past four
( ) 14. Tom will be a little late, because he ________.
A. has a piano lesson from three to five in the afternoon.
B. has to look after his little brother
C. has a piano test from three to five in the morning.
( ) 15. The birthday party will be held _______.
A. at school B. in a hotel C. at Ann’s house
三、听短文,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题2分 ,共10分)
( )16.What does the mother say when the girl has something difficult to do?
A. I will help you. B. Do it yourself C. Ask the teacher for help
( )17. Who did the cleaning for the girl that day?
A. The girl herself B. Her friends. C. Her mother
( )18. Whom does the girl see a doctor with?
A. Nobody. B. Her classmates. C. Her father.
( )19. What’s the girl like?
A. Friendly and sunny. B. Lazy and crazy. C. Clever and hard-working.
( )20. What does the girl think of her mother at first?
A. A lazy mother. B. A good mother. C. A hard-working woman.
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