






1.     2.     3.       4.    5._________


6. A. It’s  in front of the post office.

B. It’s between the bank and the post office.

C. It’s next to the supermarket and across from the bank.

7. A.David.          B. Peter.    C. Linda.

8 A. He was reading at the library.

B. He was playing basketball on the playground.

C. He was doing his homework at home.

9. A. For four days.   B. For three  weeks .  C. For two months.

10. A. The river is badly polluted.

B. There is no water in the river.

C. The water is too deep.


11. Jack,a 7-year-old American boy, was happy because it was thanksgiving.

12. Jack’s mother put  five small candies into the cake for good luck.

13. One corn was lost, but Jack’s mother didn’t notice.

14. Jack couldn’t speak for 15 years

15. At the age of 27,Jack could speak again after he coughed up(咳出) the cake .



16. For many western people , they drink cold water even _____ winter.

A. on B. for   C. at  D. in

17. Good books are like wise friends, because _____ support you to walk forward and help  you understand the world.

A. they  B. their  C. them   D. themselves

18. Of all the drinks , tea is  ________ in the world .It has 5,000 years of history in China over..

A. older   B. the oldest   C. old D. very old

19. I live near  the  station, It’s only about five ________ walk.

A. minute’s B. minute C. minutes’  D. minutes

20.Tim Cook called his mother every week even while he_______ around the world.

A. was traveling    B. is traveling C. traveled D. travels

21. I tried two bookshops for the dictionary I wanted, but ________of them had it.

A. either B. both C. neither D. none

22. ---I hate vegetables.  I  ________eat them .

A. always B. seldom   C. often D. usually

23. What happens when you hear a strange noise at  night .or find a big spider in the corner of your bedroom ? It often makes us ________.

A. jump B. to jump   C. jumping   D. jumped

24. Teenagers should  ________ to take care of themselves from a young age.

A. educate B. be educating C. have educated D. be educated

25. Thanks to the robots, the human reporters do not have to spend a lot of time ________ boring numbers and information.

A. processing B. to  process  C. processed   D. process

26. — ______people travel  every year?

— Perhaps when we are talking about it. More than 100 planes have taken off around the world.

A. How many B. How much  C. How long D. How often

27. Sitting down after a walk  is  relaxing . But do you dare to sit on a seat________ tells you your weight?

A. whom B. / C. who        D. that

28. A father in the UK has a wonderful ideas to send his kids to school on time. He takes his sons to their school in a white tank(坦克)

A. looked up to B. made up   C. come up with D. shown up

29.The police wondered_____.

A. whose handbag it is B. whose handbag it was   C. whose handbag is it D. whose handbag was it

30. —Shall w e go to the amusement park right away or next weekend?

— ______Any time will do.

A. Excuse me.   B. Have a good time .

C. I’m afraid I can’t D. It’s up to you .


(一) 阅读短文,完成31— 45小 题。(共15小题,计15分)


Have you seen some machines that eat used plastic bottles and give some coins to the users(用户) ?

Recently , such machines have appeared at universities in Chongqing . They can turn rubbish into treasure and encourage the public to recycle rubbish. The machine is as large as a fridge. Users put an empty bottle in the machine, It is identified(识别) by a  small camera. Then it is put into a built-in bin. The users can get some coins. They can also give away the money.

When the machine is filled with bottles . it will tell the company’s(公司) head office. Nearby stations will send workers to have bottles collected . packed and send to the company.

The bottle recycling machines could greatly encourage the public to recycle rubbish and save natural resources(资源) .Now the machine only eats plastic bottles. At sometime in the future it will also cover others. Such as glass bottles .to turn more rubbish into treasure and make full use of the natural resources

People can also see similar machines in Shanghai. In the future, more such machines will appe ar at some large stations. Bus stops, neighborhoods and schools.


31. The bottle recycling machine eats plastic bottles and give some money to the users(用户) ?

32. When the machine is  full , some workers will be sent to collect the bottles .

33. So  far , the bottle recycling machine has been able to accept glass bottles .

34. There is no bottle recycling machine in Shanghai now.

35. The passage encourages the public to protect the environment by using the bottle recycling machines

B .

American country music is also known as (被视为) country western music .It has a very long history . It comes from the folk songs of immigrants(移民) from Britain.

Country music users simple music and words to express everyday feelings such as loneliness, love , and sadness . That is to say , country music describes life . It talks about friends and  enemies , trucks and roads , farm and crops.. People in many parts of the world like country music, because everyone can understand what the music is about .

Country western music became popular first among cowboys(牛仔) in the American west countryside . Cowboys had to take care of cows day and night. When they were alone with the cows, they often sang beautiful and peaceful songs to calm the animals and to overcome their own fear .They were not well-educated and so they sang about their daily life in very simple words .They played guitars, violins. and other instruments. In the south of America ,  many people added instruments from their homes , like bottles and spoons, When cowboys visited their friends and families on holidays like Thanksgiving , they usually sang and played country western music .

In recent years ,many musicians have made country western music a little different from the one in the past.These changes make the songs sound even better.Today singers such as Carth Brooks.Reba McEntire. Emmylou Harris. Lyle Lovett,Eddie Rabbitt, LeAnn Rimes,Randy Travis and a group called Alabama are singing and playing in different styles.They have brought country western music more and more fans from all over the wold.


36. Country western music comes from the folk songs of immigrants from ____

A. America   B.France  C. Britain        D.Germany

37. According to the passage, people like American country music because ____.

A. It has a long history.  B. It comes from Europe.

C. It is sung by cowboys.D. It is easy to understand.

38. The chunk “calm the animals “ here means “make the animals become ___”.

A.sad and lonely

B. quiet and relaxed

C. angry and wild

D. upset and scared

39. Which of these is mentioned in the passage ?

A. Early immigrants lived a very simple life.

B. Many country music singers are not well-educated.

C. Cowboys usually played country western music on holidays.

D. In the west of America ,  cowboys added instruments from their homes

40. The best title(标题) for the passage is ________.

A. Americans Love American Country Music.

B. The History of American Country Music.

C. Singers and Fans of  American Country Music

D. All Kinds of American Music, Yesterday and Today.


Chen Yujie, 15 studies at a boarding school in Ningbo, Zhejiang ___41____.it was not a short ride hom e and the trips were tiring.Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card , so she didn’r have to travel so often.

42     “It’s usually the most relaxing time for our family.” Said Chen.

She chose the right time.After  a  few turns of lobbying(游说) ,her parents finally agreed with Chen .      43      So they have to choose a right time .

US magazine Highnight recently surveyed 1,521 kids aged 6-12 in the country , asking questions like “     44     ” Results show that American kids seem to know when their parents are most receptive(乐于接受的)。Meal time is discovered to be their most favorite time to talk to their parents.Bed time comes second.followed by time spent in the car.

Chinese teenagers seem to have a similar tendency (倾向) over the problem.Qianjiang Daily ,a newspaper in Zhejiang, did a survey about it .     45

So do you have anything to talk to your parents about? Choose a good time.


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