





( ) 1. I don’t like those two coats because ________ of them fits me.

A. either B. neither C. none D. all

( ) 2. ––I really want to go to the . How about you?

–– So do I. We can swim in it.

A. water park B. aquarium C. zoo D. space museum

( ) 3. ____ is fun to learn another language.

A. That B. This C. It D. What

( ) 4. ––I hear your teacher ________ to Japan once. ––Yes, he _______ there last year.

A. goes; went B. has been; has been C. went; went D. has been; went

( ) 5. –– _______ have you been studying English? –– Since last year.

A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How often

( ) 6. The Smiths have lived here with us ________ 1999.

A. for B. since C. before D. in

( ) 7. –– I have never been to Disneyland. How about you? –– .

A. Me, too B. So do I C. Me, neither D. Yes, I have

( ) 8. When my mother came back home last night, I was still _________.

A. wake B. woke C. waking D. awake

( ) 9. ––Tina, we are going to take a holiday in Europe. ––_________.

A. It’s wonderful B. With pleasure C. That’s OK D. Have a good time

( ) 10. Jim needs _________ his English if he wants to be a flight attendant(服务员).

A. to improve B. improve C. discover D. to learn

( ) 11. The island is quite warm all year round, because it’s ________ the equator.

A. next B. close to C. far from D. across from

( ) 12. Linda __________ the space museum after school yesterday.

A. has been to B. was going to C. went to D. goes to

( ) 13.-Tell us something about Canada, OK?

-I’m sorry. _________ Jack _________ I have ever been there.

A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Both; and D. Neither; nor

( ) 14. My sister would like to be a dancer __________a singer. She likes dancing more.

A. rather than B. than rather C. would rather D. more rather

( ) 15. ________you are free, come to my home and let’s have some coffee.

A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whoever D. However


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