


摘要内容    学习是一个边学新知识边巩固的过程,对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,精品编辑老师为大家整理了中考英语考前必做练习,供大家参考。


Ⅰ. 单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)

21. The soup is not enough. Add some salt, please.

A. sweet B. sour C. salty D. crispy

22. —What do you think of this football match?

—I’ve no idea. But is believed that the Spanish team will win.

A. that B. this C. which D. it

23. Mr. Zhang left for America in 1998, and he didn’t return home 2002.

A. unless B. when C. until D. since

24. A big class is usually 3 or 4 groups at our school.

A. fallen into B. divided into C. added into D. run into

25. The new machine will be used glasses.

A. make B. made C. to make D. for make

26. The basketball game was invented by a Canadian doctor James Naismith.

A. was called B. to call C. named D. calling

27. —I often see Wang Fang to the old people’s home.

—I hear she volunteers to look after the old.

A. come B. coming C. to come D. came

28. —Do you know ?

—In the 6th century.

A. when is the abacus invented

B. when the abacus is invented

C. when was the abacus invented

D. when the abacus was invented

29. As water is very important for us,we should stop people from the river.

A. polluting B. using C. filling D. crossing

30. Three years ago my parents encouraged me keyboard,but for some reason,I gave up.

A. study B. to study C. studied D. studying

31. In our school library there a number of books on science,and in these years the number of them growing larger and larger.

A. are;is B. is;are C. have;are D. has;is

32. Most of the kids in our school enjoy pop songs, some hit songs on the Internet like Gangnam Style.

A. besides B. including C. except D. without

33. I’m sorry I took your umbrella mistake.

A. for B. about C. on D. by

34. —Thank you very much for what you have done for me.

— .

A. Wait for a moment B. Good idea C. My pleasure D. Me too

35. Mr. Brown has made a of three books for us to read during the school holiday.

A. map B. rule C. list D. menu

Ⅱ. 完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)

The umbrella is a very common object. It keeps the 36 and the sun off the people. Most umbrellas can be folded up(折叠)so it is 37 to carry them.

However, the umbrella was not always as 38 as it is now. In the past, it was a symbol of importance. Some African countries still use umbrellas in this 39 . Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important person.

Umbrellas have a long history. People in different parts of the world began to 40 umbrellas at different times. The Chinese had them more than 3,000 years ago. From there,umbrellas 41 to India and Egypt. In Greece and Rome, 42 wouldn’t use them. They believed umbrellas were only for women.

England was 43 the first country in Europe where common people used umbrellas against rain. The weather there is very 44 and umbrellas are very useful.

Everybody uses umbrellas today. The next time you 45 one, thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them, you’ll feel you are the important person, too.

36. A. rain B. cloud C. air D. water

37. A. lovely B. cheap C. hard D. easy

38. A. light B. heavy C. common D. special

39. A. way B. size C. reason D. place

40. A. discover B. use C. examine D. discuss

41. A. walked B. travelled C. rode D. flew

42. A. children B. parents C. men D. women

43. A. probably B. already C. suddenly D. immediately

44. A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy D. windy

45. A. sell B. return C. borrow D. carry


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