



第一部分  听力技能(共两节,计20分)

第 一节  听力选择(15小题,计15分)



(        ) 1. 1. What animals does the boy like best?

A.             B.                      C.

(        ) 2. What does Mike want to buy?

A.                B.               C.

(        ) 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. Sunny.       B Rainy.        C. Windy.

(        ) 4. How often does the man play basketball?

A. Once a week.  B. Twice a week.  C. Three times a week.

(        )5. Where is the boy’ s T-shirt?

A. On th e bed.  B. On the chair.  C. On the sofa.

听第6段对话,做第6 ~ 7小题。

(        ) 6. What is Mary going to do tomorrow morning?

A. Going to the concert

B.Going to the shopping mall

C. Going to the museum.

(        ) 7. What will Mary do next week?

A. She’ll take a lesson   B. She’ll join a club   C. She’ll give a report

听第7段对话,做第8 ~ 9小题。

(        ) 8. Where did John go for holiday?

A. He went to Wuhan.

B.  He went to Shanghai.

C.  He went to Guilin.

(        ) 9. How will the woman go to Guilin?

A. By train    B. By plane    C. By bus

听第8段对话,做第10 ~ 12小题。

(        ) 10. What does Tina want to do?

A. go shopping   B. go skating    C. go camping

(        ) 11. Has John ever been to the Great Wall?

A. Yes, he has.    B. No, he hasn’t.      C. I don’t know.

(        ) 12. Which bus can they take to get to the Great Wall?

A. No. 576 bus       B. No. 765 bus    C. No. 657 bus

听第9段对话,做第13 ~ 15小题。

(        ) 13. What would the man like?

A. beef noodles      B. mutton noodles    C. beef soup

(        ) 14. What size would he like?

A. small   B. medium    C. large

(        ) 15. How much does the man need to pay?

A. 4 yuan     B. 12 yuan        C. 16 yuan


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