【 B 】
“Can I borrow the car, Dad?”
“Not until you finish mowing(除) the lawn.”
“But I have to go to work!”
Sounds familiar? It would to an American teenager----- a job, a car, spending money, walking the dog and mowing the lawn. This isn’t just the boring life of middle age but, in fact, this is the life of many American teenagers.
In the US, it is common for kids as young as 14 to hold part-time jobs. They might save up their money to buy a car and, at 16, actually drive it. But this kind of independence(独立) isn’t always fun. US kids need to take care of themselves and their younger brothers and sisters so that they are ready to live alone.
The average age of a high school graduate in the US is 17. Traditionally, a US student graduates in June and moves out of his or her parents’ house by September. Of course, one must be ready for this. With a relatively small amount of homework, US high school students have more time for working and learning adult responsibilities(责任).
Is it better to live this way? It’s good to cook for oneself and do laundr y, but US students don’t study enough. While American kids are working, Chinese and Indian students are studying.
The truth is, whatever you do now, you will never feel ready to be an adult.
36. What does the conversation at the beginning of the passage suggest?
A. American teenagers need to do housework at home.
B. American teenagers won’t drive cars unless they finish their housework.
C. American teenagers must make money to support their families.
D.American teenagers wouldn’t do housework if they have part-time jobs.
37. What age do US kids usually start to have part-time jobs?
A. At the age of 13 B. At the age of 14
C. At the age of 16 D. At the age of 17
38. What do US high school students traditionally do after graduating in June?
A. Try to buy their own cars B. Move out of their parents’ house
C. Go to find a full-time job D. Find a part-time job
39. What does the writer want to tell through the story?
A. It’s better for kids to be independent from an early age.
B. American kids love having part-time jobs.
C. American kids have enough time to study.
D. It’s not all good for American kids to be independent early.
40. Which can be the best title for the article?
A. American kids’ lives. B. Part-time jobs and full-time jobs
C. The independence of American kids D. American kids’ part-time jobs
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